fic: His Favorite Subject

Feb 08, 2011 14:34

Title: His Favorite Subject 
Prompt: Sirius uses the Invisibility Cloak to get Remus off in class or in the library. Bonus points if James later finds out.
Summary: Sirius decides to have a little fun with Remus during his favorite class.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1785
Notes: Originally written anonymously for the R/S Kink Meme. Thanks to ceredwensirius for hosting and anon for the prompt!

Later, Remus will realize that he really should have known better. Sirius never skivved off class without at least TRYING to convince him to do the same. So when Sirius failed to show up for Transfiguration (a class that Sirius actually enjoyed, and therefore rarely missed) that Wednesday, Remus was immediately convinced that something was wrong.

“He’s fine, Moony,” James reassured him lazily. “He said he just needed to finish that Charms essay he slacked off on. Flitwick’s already in a strop about that incident with the singing biscuit tins.”

Remus didn’t look convinced. “But it’s transfigs…you know McGonagall will find out, if any professor will.”

James pulled a slightly guilty face. “I can manage McGonagall, but there’ll be no convincing Flitwick if Sirius can’t get that essay done. And if he gets detention it’ll mean missing quidditch practice...” Remus rolled his eyes. Sirius knew full well that if quidditch was part of the equation, he’d have James on board. Although…when Remus stopped to think about it…he was fairly sure that Sirius had finished the Charms essay over the weekend, in between bouts of teasing Remus about a botched Astronomy assignment (“at least you got the dog star right,” Sirius had commented solemnly, “I’d take it as a personal insult if my own…er…well, if you didn’t at least know THAT one. Even so, I can give you a personal lesson, if you like”). What had followed resulted in Remus forgetting all about Astronomy, and scrambling to finish his remaining assignments between classes on Monday while Sirius lounged around with a satisfied grin. Remus’s brow creased in a frown as McGonagall began her lesson on secondary and tertiary transfiguration.

“Once an object has been transfigured once, can someone please explain the advantage of allowing it to resume its original form before attempting a new transfiguration? Mr. Pettigrew?”

“Erm…” Peter began, looking over at James and Remus helplessly. James leaned over to mouth the answer in Peter’s direction. Remus suddenly jolted up in his seat with surprise at the feeling of a warm hand, not his own, on his knee.

Professor McGonagall lost her focus and glanced in Remus’s direction. “Mr. Lupin, are you quite all right?”

“Fine, Professor…I - I’m fine.” Remus struggled to control his mounting apprehension. He groaned to himself, realizing why Sirius might not have mentioned this particular bout of skivving to him. He reached under the desk to where he was now fairly certain Sirius was hidden under James’s invisibility cloak, and pinched. The class looked around in confusion for the source of the disembodied yelp that followed. James’ eyes darkened as he gave Remus a pointed look. Professor McGonagall paused, glanced at Remus again, but decided to continue without interruption.

Remus gave James a helpless look, telegraphing that he had no idea what Sirius was up to. Remus knew that James wasn’t fond of the others borrowing his cloak without asking first. Mostly because James wanted to be a part of the invisible mischief, if any was to be had. As he felt a hand reach up to undo his flies, however, he reflected that James would want no part of this particular prank. Remus reached below the desk to swat away the roving hands, his face now burning with embarrassment. An audible “thunk,” rang out as Sirius bumped his head on the bottom of the desk. McGonagall whipped around to glare at Remus.

“Mr. Lupin?? Since you seem to be so eager today, I’ll let Mr. Pettigrew off the hook and let you field this one instead.”

Remus forced himself to remain collected and still, despite the fact that Sirius had now won his battle with the button and zip on Remus’s corduroys.

“Well…*twitch*…according to Ryndle’s Theory, the stability of a transfigured object decreases exponentially with each layer of transfiguring spells applied to it. *cough* So…uh…allowing the object to return to its original state between transfigurations will increase the stability and longevity of the *gulp* newly transfigured shape.”

Professor McGonagall looked slightly mollified. James, on the other hand, continued to look annoyed, although the corner of his mouth had a telltale twitch. Peter looked from James to Remus in confusion. Remus silently cursed Sirius under his breath, whose laughter he could feel against his leg. James and Peter were aware of their…relationship…for lack of a better word. He and Sirius hadn’t really gotten around to defining it, but IT was definitely there. And IT certainly wasn’t something he was ready for the rest of the school, especially Professor McGonagall, to find out about. He cast about helplessly for a way to get Sirius to stop without calling too much attention to himself. But clearly, Sirius was not to be deterred. He pushed Remus’s hands away and pulled the younger boy’s burgeoning erection out of his pants.

Despite his best efforts, Remus felt his cock stiffen to improbable proportions in response to Sirus’s deft fingers. Sirius’s hand plunged deeper, fondling Remus’s balls, and Remus closed his eyes and tilted his head back in involuntary response, thanking the gods that the rest of the class couldn’t SEE anything. James cleared his throat pointedly, and Remus’s eyes snapped open, coming to rest on the narrowed eyes of Severus Snape, who was looking at him with unmistakable suspicion and dislike. Remus cleared his throat again and attempted to focus his full attention on the answer that James was giving to Professor McGonagall’s question.

“Well, Professor,” intoned James in his swottiest voice, “once you’ve increased the size and shape by those proportions, getting it back to original form takes MUCH more effort.”

James couldn’t resist a sideways glance at Remus. Sirius was still shaking in helpless silent laughter on his lap, and Remus began silently plotting ways to kill them both later. It wasn’t easy to do while also trying helplessly to hold onto the threads of his composure. A disembodied part of him shot a glance at Peter, whose brows were creased with the effort of trying to discern the joke he was missing.

Remus sensed Sirius shifting up onto his knees, and before he was able to mask his reaction, he felt the soft wetness of Sirius’s mouth around his cock. He bit his lip hard enough to draw blood, and began unconsciously jiggling his foot. Marlene McKinnon, sitting in front of him, turned around and glared at the jiggling foot in annoyance. Remus tried to give her an apologetic look, but found that his eyes simply couldn’t focus. Neither could his mind. Against his will, the entire world had narrowed to nothing more than the warm head in his lap, the pressure of the mouth sucking his hardness with abandon, and the fingers softly stroking the underside of his balls. Somehow, having to ignore these matters invading his consciousness brought him that much closer to the edge. He knew he wouldn’t be able to make it through the rest of class without some sort of release, a realization that caused a whimper to rise in his throat. Sirius tongued his slit, lapping up the precome that had beaded there against his will.

Lily Evans, sitting a row over, gave him a look of open curiosity. When McGongall’s back was turned, a note reading “are you ok?” in her precise handwriting landed on his desk. Before he lost the ability to respond, he gave her a tight nod, and crumpled the note in his fist. James, noticing Lily’s concern for Remus, gave an annoyed huff. He stretched his foot into the aisle in an effort to catch the edge of the cloak that he knew must be sitting there. Remus jerked his head to look at James in a panic, mouthing “you WOULDN’T,” in desperation. With a glance at the sweat beaded on Remus’s temples. James rolled his eyes and begrudgingly pulled his foot back. He didn’t notice when the laces of his trainers began tying themselves together.

The stress of near-discovery almost pushed Remus over the edge. The quill in his clenched fist snapped. Sirius, realizing that only a few minutes remained until McGonagall would dismiss them to work in groups, doubled his efforts, licking the underside of Remus’s cock from base to tip, and then sucking with increased fervor. It was too much for poor Remus, who dropped his head into his folded arms on the desk and silently shouted his release into the sleeve of his robe. His toes curled and fists clenched, Remus gave up caring about anything as spurts of come burst from his cock into Sirius’s waiting mouth.

As soon as he’d had the chance to recover and realize that he really MIGHT care about getting caught with another bloke sucking him off under a desk, he gratefully realized that James had distracted Professor McGonagall with a long-winded and complicated question. When she’d finished her long explanation, Remus realized that the warm body between his legs was gone, and that the class was splitting into groups. Remus turned to Peter, who asked “are you SURE you’re alright, mate? You look all red.”


After class ended (with a good laugh at James Potter falling arse over teakettle in the aisle), Remus and James fairly raced to Gryffindor tower, arguing with each other over who should get the first hex.

“Honestly, at least you got SOMETHING good in the deal. That fucking plonker lied to me, stole my cloak, AND embarrassed me in front of Evans.”

“You?!,” Remus spluttered, “he - he…James! That berk almost outed us in front of MCGONAGALL Do you have any idea how hard that was?”

James sniggered at the unintentional pun. “I’ll wager not as HARD afterward.” Before James could react, Remus cast a petrificus totalus that caught James entirely unawares.

“Sorry Prongs, but I’m getting first say on this one. I’ll be back for you in a minute.” With that, Remus shoved James into an alcove alongside the staircase, and continued up to the dorms.

When Remus burst through the door, Sirius glanced up from his Charms essay with guileless expression. “Why Moony, what’s the matter??”

“You. Fucking. TOSSER.”

In spite of his angry tone and exasperation, Remus was starting to see the humor of the whole thing after the fact. He groaned inwardly at his utter inability to stay mad at Sirus, but tried hard not to let it show.

“Payback for this is going to be hell, you know. Prongs was on his way up here to hex your bollocks off. You’re lucky I made it here first.”

Sirius just smiled.

“I’m not sure what you both are on about, Moony. Transfig’s my favorite subject. You knew I wouldn’t miss it.”

Yes, Remus, would reflect later, he really should have known better.

harry potter, fics, r/s

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