Nov 03, 2010 21:29
I thought my cat, Tess, had pink eye. It was all crusty and red and all around disgusting looking so I took her to the vet. I don't know if it can, but I was worried it would spread to me or her other eye. It turned out not being pink eye, but some other unknown eye infection. I have to put drops in her eyes three times a day. She has generally been good to let me do it, once I get her in my arms. It's just the getting her in my arms part that's hard. Tonight I had to sneak up on her from behind and pretend like I was just giving her a little head rub and then sneak my other arm around and grab her real quick. It's always an adventure!
While we were at the vet, she noticed some little bumps on Tess' chin. I've noticed them too, but they seem to come and go and don't seem to bother her. She said it's feline acne. Gross huh? She told me that when it flares up I should use a Strydex pad to help heal it and in most cases that will clear it up, but sometimes antibiotics are needed. Basically I'm to watch for flare ups and if it doesn't seem to go away I should take her back for some meds. Well last night as I was putting the eye drops in I was looking at her chin, because I had noticed a scab. Her chin looked a little swollen, but I wasn't really sure anything was wrong. I don't know what made me do it, but I pinched her chin just a little and this GIANT hidden kitty zit popped. It was so gross! But then, I'm kind of gross and was pleased that I had popped a zit on my cat's face. Is that wrong? I'll have to get some Strydex pads tomorrow. I forgot when I was at the store today.
did that really just happen