So I *finally* got to sit down and watch it. Here's me typing away as I do so:
Eric Stoltz still makes me all happy!
Opening music is very James Bond. i like it.
Eliot's grumpy already! And I like the reference to him being "in the service." Especially with having Bond on the brain.
Wow, I really like the client lady. A lot more than I usually do.
Robo-signing. The foreclosure scam= ick. And man, I was going to do something along these lines 'cause I just heard about the scandal. Ah well.
Base camp! Nate and Sophie circliing-
How long are Hardison and Eliot actually hugging for? "Don't tell me stuff like that!" when Hardison says one of his nipples just fell off. Yay Parker! With the bro-punch and the "avalanches being cool"
Once again, Nate's jumping in without looking first.
I love pissy Hardison more than anything, I think. "You know that there's like a hundred dead people scattered over that rock, it's nasty."
Okay, so the guy's climbing a mountain and carrying his work diary? Yeah. 'Cause that's useful, climbing mountains. Then again, all these people are drinking booze at this altitude. This is going to end badly. Though Sophie's kid in a candy store makes me happy.
Steal a mountain- again. Nate getting shit from the kids= ROTFL
You're very good at what you do. You can't con a mountain.
Polar bears or ill-tempered Eskimos and "is this gonna be a thing."
Parker dodging the hug and Eliot swooping in. "At least Eliot gave me a hug." Yes. that was me squeeing. Sorry about your eardrums.
Emotional involvement leading to bad decisions. When they're already running up a mountain from base camp with like no time to acclimate. This is going to be one of those episodes that's gonna bug the hell out of me.
Okay, the french phone number game- seriously, doesn't the bad guy know what his own phone looks like? Does the team go on every job with the exact models that everyone they're likely to encounter carries?
"She's kinda scary." "You have no idea." Nate's expression= perfect.
Oh, come on, like the client going up the mountain is going to be at all surprising from the moment she showed up.
"It's a pretty distinctive footprint." Hee!
Oh, yeah, there the client goes.
Okay, so bad guy is sending texts to his Japanese competitor. I still don't know where the Germans come in.
NATE IS GOING UP THE MOUNTAIN?! Me and Hardison, we've both got problems with this.
And Eliot should've gone back when Hardison told them to double back.
Okay, there's a buyout going down.
Sophie's face looks really skinny these days. Not bad or anything, but. I don't know, a bit more serious looking. I like it.
...aaaand Nate's down. Duh. Good thing there is oxygen there, as if that's all he needs. Oh, and the client's overdoing it too. Brilliant.
Eliot and Parker are still going. Okay. How long's that gonna last? And here comes the collapse.
Oh no! There go the comms.
Climbing lady went down too. There's a shocker. And Nate passes out trying to help.
I really like the client here, though Nate's speech is a little heavy handed, maybe.
Parker strobing the light in Eliot's eyes made me giggle. Aaaand there's the body
Parker realizing he died alone. 8( Her wanting to pull him out, Eliot going with it? how well's that going to work?
Sophie and Hardison running everything with no intel from anyone else= still awesome. I really want them paired up on a job some time.
Not understanding what's going on with the stock prices...
Okay, at least Eliot's prepped to climb out.
Again with the stock price?
Okay, so the Japanese and the Germans are pulling out
Nate and Sophie= moscow circus con? Love it.
Parker went down?! okay, not hurt. good.
Oh, Parker, you're breakin' my heart, here. Wanting to do the right thing like everyone else would do.
Really not getting what's going on with the con.
Eliot telling Parker= "It's a good thing it was us...because they would've died trying. We do things they can't/wont... it makes us us." I think this is the first time the two of them have really talked about anything. Really cool that he actually thinks of her that way.
Hardison's reaction when they come back on comms. 8D
"This is not going well for you," Hardison says. Hee!
Okay, they found the vehicle and the tent. Where's the Russian?
(hey, should climbing rope be stored like that?)
Okay, so the Russian's got the notebook on fire. Wanna bet that it's a double? I mean, they're carrying a hundred extra cell phones on them, and they knew what it looked like before they came up.
Oh! So somehow they've got the signal back up and Hardison's transmitting the video.
Man, okay, so they shoved the phone in the Russian's pocket during the hostage taking. Okay...How did Parker and ELiot get there so quickly after him?
Okay, so Eric Stoltz was planning on getting the word out about Drexel. Cool.
HOLY FUCK his message to his wife. ANd her reaction= OUCH. "I just love the hell out of you and I always have..." This is me bawling, over here. And that never happens.
Hardison's awkwardness and Parker hugging him. AWWW yay!
Orange soda! "I should meet your Nana"
Sophie's con on Nate= LOVE What is Hardison doing in the background?
OH. Bugs! And the list of people they've pissed off. YAY! Someone's coming for some REVENGING!
Okay, I loved this episode. Definitely had it's problems with regards to making the con clear, and some of the climbing stuff (I do a bit of rock climbing and a fair amount of reading on mountain climbing as well) was a little irritating, but I can see why they needed to handwave it to move the story along. Loved Karen and her husband, thought Drexel wasn't the most fleshed out. But the character stuff with Eliot and Parker, Eliot and Hardison, Nate and Sophie? Freakin' awesome and worth the rest of it. Can't wait until next week. For sure.