but in a good way!
I got back yesterday from the third annual Methow Valley Snowshoe Extravaganza. For reference, here's where we stayed:
Freestone Inn The first year it was just
monkeybard, Nordic Boy, Snow Ninja and myself. The second year, the group doubled to include Gear Diva, Technocrat, Sanafi and FiTanna (N). This year we added two more:
jaunthie and
fisherbear. It was quite a fabulous weekend!
There was much good food and good liquor. There were many lovely hikes in the snowy woods. There were new snowshoe nicknames (
monkeybard and I may still wrestle for 'Canada Girl'. Just because it'd be fun. But 'Gingerbread Pants' is kinda growing on me. *g*).
I think the most fun, though, was getting Technocrat's Jeep stuck in the snow. It's now a tradition. The four of us, Fitanna, Sanafi, Technocrat and myself, go to some unplowed road and get the Jeep stuck, then do our own recovery. Last year, in single digit temperatures (Fahrenheit), we were in danger of going over a cliff (sort of). This year there was the pack of dogs with lasers (okay, it was one dog wearing a little flashing red beacon and two snowshoers who may have been Canadian wearing headlamps). I got to help with the recovery effort this year!
Thankfully the temps were much warmer. In the low 30s instead of below zero. I actually wore only lightweight thermals, my snowpants and a waterproof shell. Even the hat was too warm! The snow conditions weren't great, but they were better than last year when there was hardly any.
N and I plan to go snowshoeing more during the rest of the season. I own outdoor equipment. I want to use it, damn it! :o)
I dread going back to work tomorrow. But at least it'll be a short week. And then a three day weekend. Yay!
Hmmmmm...I need a snowy icon...Hmmm...