Jan 17, 2007 11:20
This weeks sessions to build up to a 1/2 marathon are, according to the Mike Gratten's "get you round schedule" are:
60 mins walk/jog
25 mins x2 easy
10mins of 1min fast 1min slow
So last night I put on my new warm kit and after a lot of faffing about finding a watch etc etc went out.
It was a terrible reality shock, I could only manage to get round my old short circuit round the village by alternatly walking to a lampost then running to the next one.
However when I got back I did feel quite relaxed and content, and I did sleep much better last night. Too tired to worry about what the hell I have done entering a race in 10 weeks time.
I have now switched watches with Neil so that I now have one that counts down a minute , so I dont have to use the lamp posts round the village.
I havn't plucked up the courage to tell him that I have entered yet, I am really not sure what his reaction will be.
Hey ho I should go back out again today .... but its raining just at the moment, not a very good excuse.