The trouble with Fandom of late...

Oct 15, 2005 00:35

... is that I always seem to be the last one to the party. Take FIrefly for instance. Up 'till about a month or so ago I was a complete virgin: ok, so I had actually heard of the show - hard not to when some of the groups on which you lurk have members waxing lyrical right left and center, but as to knowing what the actual show was about? Now, I'm not exactly lazy when it comes to general fandom. I read all the latest periodicals, watch as many new and classic tv shows as my schedule permits, I've even been known to cultivate friendships purely to fuel my ever growing curiosity for what's currently hip and happening...but, somehow, it just never seems to be enough. Of course, my first instinct is to blame the various and sundry tv channels for this, But even I'm self aware enough to realize that I can't lay this problem quite so squarely at the foot of television companies/schedule - however much I may wish to. Sure it doesn't help when anything that might pique my interest either lies dormant in some early hours TV slot that even an insomniac might overlook or doesn't even get aired on a anything other than a channel that you have to pay to view (scifi are you listening?) Scifi/fantasy fans have, and probably always will be, discriminated in this fashion. No, a much larger part of this particular problem stems from my own current reluctance to get involved with new shows. See, there was a time when, if something captured my imagination and made an emotional connection with me, I'd be in there, feet first, and totally emotionally involved. But the life of a scifi show is often short and sweet, so just when I felt I was settled into a fandom, the show would be canceled and the community would dry up. So now I'm wary. I love getting involved, but it's always at a distance now. Not investment, no pain.
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