Happy birthday,
kurot! =D
So, I decided to search space-saving ideas for people who have lots of manga, figures, etc.. that sort of stuff, and I came across
this guy's page. The most awesome part of his room is in the last picture - the slide-out bookcases.
I had the hardest time trying to look up what those were called; definitely not 引き出し棚 (ひきだしだな) like he said they were (though I guess they could be, but not for the purpose of searching online). I eventually found the term すき間収納 (すきましゅうのう), and it's more or less called a
すき間収納ラック (rack).
I've always been looking at bookshelves since I was younger, so this definitely looks aesthetically pleasing and and functional to me.
Can't seem to find anywhere in the States where they might sell it; seems to be a Japan-only item. =X I wonder if it's possible to import it and how much it would be. Expensive, I bet. >_>;