Title: ‘Fairytale Gone Bad’
Author: JM
Beta: none
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Rating: R (for incest and mention of sex)
Category: slash.
Spoilers: none
Warnings: wincest, pre-series, angst (loads of), song!fic.
Word Count: (about) 2086
Disclaimer: It’s all Kripke’s, Singer’s and fellows’. I own nothing. But I wish I did.
The song is not mine either, I just borrowed it for a while.
Author’s Notes: English’s not my first language, feel free to report any mistake. Constructive criticism is welcome, feedback makes me happy!
Summary: “Sam is going to leave for Stanford and Dean can’t understand.” - Based on lyrics for “Fairytale gone bad” by Sunrise Avenue (I know it’s not exactly the Winchesters kind of song, but the radio station here kept putting it on air and the lyrics kept reminding me of them, so…here it is.)
(Fake cut to the story )