Day Two Hundred Fifty-Two:

Dec 15, 2004 10:21

Well, I know I ought to hit the sack immediately, but I'm waiting to see if the numbness all through my cheek and nose will go away soon, because I also ought to eat before bed... that was a lot of anesthetic, apparently--it's been an hour, and my face still feels like dead weight.

I wish I had some anesthetic for my credit card bill coming up... $1200 of dental work just this past month, ouch! >_<

There's one good thing about Marcel, though--he's willing to give me money for absolutely no reason. Once, he gave me $1 [plus $1 for the machine] to get him a drink so he wouldn't have to go downstairs. Today, he gave me $5 for locating Seasonal, which I did because we have a visit and would get in MAJOR SHIT if the guy found out our Seasonal aisles were completely unlocated. Anyway, $5.

Also, unless someone brought it in out of the kindness of his/her heart [pfff!], there's now an XBox in the break room. XBox. Goddamn, couldn't at least even get a Gamecube? SOMETHING with shooters?? No, the "too large for most Japanese houses" XBox, with not even Castle Shikigami 2 for it now.

Oh, interesting dialogue:Marcel: What kind of games DO you play?
Me: *sarcastically* Castle Shikigami 2... Gradius [with "grad" pronounced like "graduate"]... R-Type...
Marcel: See? I can't even PRONOUNCE those!
I mean, really? How do I take that kind of person seriously? "Are. Type." |:B

I may bring in Ultramix, since I bought it despite not having an XBox out of an unwarranted fear the DDR craze might not last, though--as I'm not eager to buy an XBox pad to leave there--it won't be that impressive showing off my mad skillz0rz. I could at least hear the tracks, anyway.

Cards should go out this week, as long as I remember to address them all. :p
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