5444: More

Sep 14, 2015 00:27

There's another wrinkle in the (latest) "I screwed up" fiasco, which *kinda* makes me more of an ass but also kinda justifies my actions in that "I totally couldn't have been responsible for this not fucking up" kind of way.

Any details I give are basically gonna spell things out, as vague as I was trying to be before, but it's still mostly fine because the involved parties aren't going to read this, nor be recognized by anyone who does read this (or so thought I when getting myself in trouble, but I'm counting on LJ's disuse by this point).

So the (event) mentioned is in fact a wedding, and the invite I trashed is for a **SURPRISE** shower. To be fair to me, 1. I think like a dude when it comes to weddings, so 2. I had forgotten showers were even a thing, besides that 3. all the advice columns I read suggest that low-key, minimal fuss weddings are better all around, so showers and bridal parties and that just got written out of my definition of a proper wedding. Also, 4. "etiquette"--as the Guest of Honour cited when asking for C's and my address in the first place--dictates that relatives should NOT throw showers, because that's almost the same as the Guest(s) of Honour straight-up asking for gifts.

I did not and still don't know the people who sent the invite, I was not given any indication that it was a surprise (I tend to think anyone involved in a thing knows about it unless explicitly told, and there's nothing on the invitation I fished out of the trash (unless it was a separate note in the envelope I admittedly didn't examine thoroughly, which I guess would put it back on me, but a CALL or PM or SOMETHING would still have been nice)), and I had DIRECTLY told the Guest of Honour I have a PO Box where I prefer to get personal mail (the reasons for which I apparently need to explain in greater detail to the required parties), which was directly dismissed as "it's traditional for the invitation to be sent to the place of residence."

So, on the whole, even if I hadn't been a butt, I still would likely have spoiled the surprise, because--despite complaining about everyone else ignoring what I write--I can't read and would have RSVPed (with a no, but still RSVPed) with the GOH instead of the hosts. I feel like I've proven I can't be trusted with "secrets," but it's possible my proof is too spread out and I just forgot who I betrayed.

Anyway, I knew I wasn't looking forward to September for a reason. I don't know what I did, karmically, to deserve this... okay, no, a few things come to mind, but I'd sooner not have to undo them.

Speaking of, I did remember at least one backhanded comment the GOH made that, if not "justified" my dislike of that person, certainly aggravated the grudge. I'm not going to hang onto it, though, 1. because I very well might have misheard it (doubtful, but feigning ignorance has done me no end of good, compared to fully-aware eavesdropping), and 2. I really don't need to have in-laws(-to-be) and principles that can't co-exist. These are people I deal with once a month, if that--I can damn well figure out how to not piss anybody off for that minor amount of time.

whoops, mawwiage, karma, maily, self-loathing

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