Apr 11, 2013 01:44
So, Falco confirmed that we're letting go of five people [two employees, three contractors] tomorrow, MAYbe...? One contractor is still questionable, because Pigeon is being birdheaded [which is prolly racist against birds saying so, but COME ON DUDE], and like a good HALF the staff is being reduced to part-time/standby [zero hours scheduled but still on the books]. Morale, what's that? =|
Falco isn't that keen on Pigeon--I mean, most people I like as people, really don't like as co-workers, but he in particular gives me the sense of "common link" in all the failings around work. This dude is head of operations?? I mean, our engineering veep apparently took two promotions against her will, just because, how does one turn down a promotion if the alternative is lose the job entirely? So now that she's overseeing programs--which she's perfectly qualified to do, fwiw--she feels bad because Pigeon's overseeing her staff now, and NONE of them get along with him that well because DUD CANNOT COMMUNICATE. We've had temp agencies complain to us many times that their people aren't getting their timesheets approved on time... GUESS WHO'S IN CHARGE OF THAT ¬_¬
...actually, the common link is Falco telling us all this in the first place, but I guess that's part of the job, knowing who's not getting along with whom and why. It just sorta feels like she's more invested in this emotionally than she should be at times, or she's letting the negative aspects get to her [X does something predictably par-for-the-course stupid, Falco makes snappy faces like, "Are you shitting me?!"]. I get the impression that she still kinda got pushed into the job without proper training, that any HR experience I get out of this is going to be nominally viable at another company. Like that's the worst thing about these cutbacks, that EVERYONE has a little less for their resume for working here, and that's why it sucks if you aren't the coupla guys who are independently wealthy but working for the hell of it/to STAY wealthy and that's the only reason she doesn't feel so bad about dismissing them.
If I can make it to two years, that's at least better than Caketown. Granted, I'm already over a month past my Caketown tour =p [still quite a bit less than my time with NIH]
Schreibertooth's son... I kept getting this weird vibe in the back of my head that being the kid of the head of a company doesn't necessitate being any good at it--this was a little true for Caketown, Jr. [sales rep son of the founder], who apparently was a bit hotheaded about losing his commissions because he didn't follow up with a bunch of nonpaying customers, and Falco's described problems that Schreiber, Jr.'s having [I'd call him "Shippy," but the ex-shipping guy is more Shippy to me--maybe "Babytooth"?]... I mean, how in this day and age does one get to college without a working knowledge of how to do basic computer things?? Apparently he interviewed well, so he has some people skills, but as a worker... ungh. Again, like as person, don't care for as co-worker.
The high school elements of this mean that it's getting to me even when I'm not directly affected by the fallout around me--sure, I have extra work because others aren't pulling their shares or whatever, but for the most part it otherwise doesn't even register on my radar. Miss Priss is supposed to do all the hiring/firing checklists--I just help when I'm bored and need to do something else besides sit at the computer and/or can't stand seeing all the folders continue to pile up. I'm hoping they keep assessing that I'm above average in competence [there are still things I clearly have trouble with, but I work on it], and that I'm the NASA/PBS of budget cuts--I give back more than cutting me would save.
[sometimes I don't, such as when I accidentally spend hours cleaning up one document that otherwise bugs me, but as long as that's off their radar]
Anyway! *suck* Hope the company's still around in a year =/ At least until after we have to move... not excited about the idea of having to move AND being unemployed...