4378: Haunted Mansion Ambience

Oct 13, 2012 01:40

I am tired, so I'll make this quick--among the many atrocities that populate a Hallowe'en costume store include the following:

If you can't read the bottom, it says, "TRULY OUTRAGEOUS" =p

This relates very closely to Fantasy Armor and Lady Bits, an article I've read at least ten times before because it's so well-written and -illustrated that I can't help revisiting each time I check the link.

tl;dr: Why the hell does feminizing a thing equate to removing clothing coverage X/ Making a male version of a female does not equate to covering up! [unless I'm sadly mistaken]


Anyway, we went to the Hallowe'en place in Tysons 'cause metalfox wanted to meet locals for dinner, and we didn't have any other particular plans [other than deliberately skipping a wedding tomorrow for "lame" but perfectly justified reasons ["don't feel like it" is 100% justifiable, for the record [as long as you did NOT RSVP "yes", which was our case]]] though he was less than free* after dinner but I had expressed interest in looking for costume bits.

*LESS THAN FREE a TDKR-version Catwoman suit [though not certain if the ears/goggles work correctly] and 2. Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas), make-up not included. Neither were in my size nor my budget =/ [$40 for a thing I'd wear ONCE is ugh]

Also, plenty of V for Vendetta masks, but I don't have the rest of the costume to make it work. And would need to wear it over glasses, which is a pain, and anyway I'm not really excited about wearing a mask for extended periods [Falco wants to have a Hallowe'en costume contest and really encourage folks to go all out, which is why I'm even entertaining the notion beyond my original plan to just wear this].

Unrelatedly [really!], I've been slowly assembling--completely on accident--a Dust costume, after finding a Merona "sweater jacket" at Target that looks remarkably similar to his [but is wearable in public]. It's just weird how much I like that damn Dust jacket [har!], I couldn't bring myself to take it off after wearing it the day after I bought it =p

Not surprisingly, the rest of the outfit is more difficult to assemble! I managed to find a cheap bedsheet about the correct shade of green at Goodwill [though not much else wearable there, for once], and I've ordered a satgat that I'll have to stain or cover with something else black, but tomorrow will be looking for some tall boots. Not just for the costume, mind you--winter's coming, after all =/ and part of the idea was that I could wear at least some of this shit in public once the novelty's worn off.

Almost forgot BGN, which consisted of managing to talk jimboomega into coming over after not seeing him in forever, and we played what I thought weren't particularly new games, but it really must've been THAT long since we'd seen him, 'cause my last "impulse buys for $50 including shipping" clearance games were all new to him =o Even Citadels, which was a random gift from Marc for CHRISTMAS last year!

Citadels, I ended up winning because I remembered most of the best strategy [if the next-to-last person takes Thief, there's an obvious 50-50 chance of who will be a viable target, e.g.], but Jon ended up winning all the other games we played.

MafiaNostril City was a weird Vendetta-fest due to my getting a Wiseguy[/girl] who gave me bonus Vendettas, but I ultimately got screwed because Jon and/or C kept getting all the Turfs/Wiseguys, leaving me with only Vendettas. Sure, I got the +3 Prestige card and the FBI Snitch Vendetta Jon thought I had gotten well earlier than I did, but there really wasn't a lot I could've done, particularly when I ended up with no money at the end of each turn. A "good game" in Jon's book [he wins the first time playing it].

Dominion was... a mess =p Jon got in all of his usual style of play [ALL the Villages], but to good effect [+6 point chips per turn plus additional "+card, +action" cards] instead of being ineffectual [drawing through entire deck in order to buy Silver]. Neither C nor I really got into Isotropic or those and don't know how cards interact with each other well enough, so I think we're going to be perpetually at a handicap, but I guess it's still fun for a while, at least.

I guess we're just gonna chalk that up to "He can win 'cause it was his birthday" ;p

...aaaaand so much for making this quick =_= Time for ALL the sleeps!

boardgamey, workcrap, internety, photoy, adebuh?, seepy, dressy

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