4249: Pick of the Litter

Jun 06, 2012 00:50

So C is all but guaranteed this data entry call center position, unless there's a particularly gruesome skeleton in his closet they find on the background check [I'd like to know what it is, if so!] or he goes in for training on Monday and they yell, "LOL SIKE" =p ...though if they do, he also has an offer on the table from GNC [the "take my ball and go home" route]

What this means besides he gets MONEYS now: Once his "real" shift starts, he'll be gone basically from 2p to midnight Sundays through Thursdays. Fridays and Saturdays are free. Unless I really want to wait until midnight to eat, I'll be cooking dinner every night -_- and what days Dan isn't off, I'll be by myself after work every day... until my contract's up, when I'll be by myself nearly all day T_T

[he says it sounds like they've filled up the shift he wanted, so seeing if they had another post open isn't going to be an option unless I absolutely can't find anything else after this current job, and even if I got a position there, too, it'd be an alternate shift, which doesn't help]

...I'm still pretty UNGH about where I am now--it's not that it's a BAD job, between bouts of trying to keep my eyes open a la a Tom and Jerry cartoon, but I'm certainly not getting paid what I'd like [now getting just enough to live on, but no insurance], and it's DEFINITELY not something that's going to last. It's like a really pleasant hospital bed, when I just want to get better and GTFO already. I can't really relax and enjoy it that much like a hospital bed, either--it's more like when they made me take that EEG and I had to try to keep my eyes open while they flashed lights in my eyes =|

Speaking of things to tolerate, Ruok gave me this book of hers out of the blue, Jennifer Crusie's Tell Me Lies [I think]. I've been calling it Product Placement: The Book, because EVERY OTHER PARAGRAPH name-drops some product or person or other, like Oreos or Reba McIntyre or that. It's--I think--a slice-of-life book that happens to involve murder [yay book cover spoiler], but I'm SO BORED OF IT ALREADY that the only way I've managed to get two chapters in was I had stupidly thought I might try to fill in the gaps as to where the "rip the baby out with his teeth" bullshit could possibly go... I got as far as "newborn baby is hyper-intelligent and can already communicate" when my mouth started foaming and I decided it was safer to bail and erase the pain with something else =p

[Yes, I looked up spoilers. They made no sense.]

"Why bother???" Well, my brain really wants to make sense of certain things, but they're apparently beyond me--like the state of politics these days, but that's a whole other rant. I also still have that nagging in the back of my mind that says it's not really fair to just belittle something blindly on what other people say, because that's how bullying takes hold. So if I actually read the tripe, I can justifiably call it bullshit brain-rotting gutter trash guilt-free.

But I'm kinda stuck with four half-stories in my head at the moment--the aborted Interview with the Vampire [I CANNOT STAY AWAKE], the abovementioned crap books, and the crap book I could've sworn I'd mentioned before but I guess not, Clive Barker's Clive Barker's Coldheart Canyon by Clive Barker, which is pretty much par for the course for the "crap nobody wants" shelf. UGH on the last one as well, but it's almost looking like the most readable of the four at this point, even though I ended up confused as hell because there are apparently "parts" and chapters in each part that start over from 1, so I ended up reading Part 1, Chapters 1-2 one day and Part 2, Chapters 3-6 the next day and wondering what the fuck was going on with that before noticing the layout.

Not that reading what I'd skipped really added much--each Part might as well have been a completely new book, 'cause there hasn't been any indication of how they connect yet. Yet it's still kinda the one of the four I would actually see myself finishing, if only because I need to see how the pieces connect.

[FTR, I ordered both of Erin Hoffman's Chaos Knight books, one to read since I haven't yet, one to help adjust the quality of the "crap nobody wants" shelf, and I'm debating adding some others. At this point, the best books there are the dog book, the 21 book [movie tie-in specifically, including insightful post-movie commentary], and The Pelican Brief sort of by default. [I put The Face there, too, but I'm kinda "eh" about it now by comparison.] There's still Tekwar I'm looking at starting after finishing at least one of the above, but then I think I'd have to bring in my own, 'cause nothing else looks remotely worth touching... more Clive Cussler and trashy romance novels =/

[well, that's assuming Ruok doesn't insist I skip lunches again, which would negate getting to read anything anyway]

I guess I might miss the shelf once the contract's up, but for now I think I've tapped it dry! Would be nice if more places did stuff like that, but kinda hard to just get that kind of thing going. Wouldn't work that well at Poker Face's place--not enough people--and somewhere like Target wouldn't keep books stocked. Caketown might work, but they kinda didn't take me back or anything... |='

oh hay time for bed maybe how bout that =_= zzzzzzz

booky, workcrap, sucks, seepy

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