4247: 4AM

Jun 04, 2012 23:56

subj: It always feels like I'm up past my bedtimeGADDAMMIT WHY I SO TIRED T_T =_=

C is on his way to getting a job--a pick of them, apparently! Well, assuming the interview goes well tomorrow, he'd start on a shift of Sun-Thu 3p to 11p... kinda weird, but still free weekends! [including late Saturdays w/o too much trouble]

Otherwise... GNC. Which is work, but... less desirable... but work...

Sunday was Mum's post-ballet-thingie party, so we headed up to swipe some of their leftovers [mostly fruit, which I ate IN ITS ENTIRETY], along with some Dominion just because. First game was fumbling with Fool's Gold, but Throne Room + Mine = WIN [and Remodel into Grand Market = WIN x2], which makes the first Remodel game I've ever won D= I never manage it otherwise, somehow...

Second game... there was heavy Bishop in one of them, but I can't remember which... in any event, C and Anna tied [completely--same #TURNS], I got one fewer point, and Thomas trailed behind again. I try to explain strategy, but he's kinda like me--figures it out just a few steps too late.

Like how Fool's Gold is first card in a turn counts as "1" and any additional Fool's Gold on a turn counts as "4"--he didn't grasp this somehow and didn't seem to think to ask. Because "play" means "use as action" [NOT with Treasure] =p

[[cheat sheet: 1 FG = 1 coin, 2 FG = 5 coin, 3 FG = 9 coin, 4 FG = 13 coin, etc.]]


While I enjoy games with friends, I'm getting a little fed up with With Friends games because 1. the WiFi is acting up, and people seem to think there's no good reason to ever "wire" an iPod because "you can just use the wired computer instead" [no I can't dumbass my game is on the iPod] and 2. people I'm playing against tend to drop off the face of the planet, as is their privilege. I've been playing only Random matches of late in Hanging--that way I only have to wait five days before a delinquent opponent automatically forfeits vs. ELEVEN if a "Friend" starts a match--and declining any rematches that come my way.

In general it's been working out well enough [not that there's really any downside--about the worst that can happen from a poor sport is failure to make a move for five days, at which point they forfeit and I start fresh], but it's always a little insulting when someone only bothers to chat once the game's over in order to accuse me of cheating. Because, apparently, I'd never be able to guess "GASKET" or come up with the word "KUDZU" without an app. I pointed out that there's no point to cheating [at least in Hanging] because points are earned from playing words, and there's no permanent Win/Loss record.

No response, of course.

But then, this is why I've switched entirely to Random-Only/No Rematch games--if someone's a dick, I just play until SOMEONE wins and go to the next match. Or resign immediately, whichever [in one case, the other person had a completely offensive name that I really didsn't want to keep seeing]. I did the "let the game lapse" thing before--and that was actually better for me in that I actually GOT SHIT DONE instead--but I really hate doing it out of spite, because for all I know it only hurts me more since it's one less active game I can have running.

Most folks are good [enough] sports about it, though--they just want to play. A few ask what the words I played mean [guess they don't have Internet?] so I define them, but... really. Yes, I have cheated on the game when I had a second Internet connection open [it's too annoying to do purely on my iPod], but most of the time I use the same words that I've seen before--and they're still valid words regardless of how I came across them!

Also, not like cheating guarantees a win--I've lost a number of games because I've narrowed it down to, say, _OUND and guess "HOUND" only for it to be POUND or MOUND =p So I really don't see what the deal is against cheating!

wordy, boardgamey, workcrap, internety, games

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