Really quick, 'cause I know you guys really want a public historical record of me posting links to news:
North Carolina votes on same-sex marriage amendment with support strong for ban +
Obama endorses gay marriage +
Argentina approves transgender rights: ID changes, sex-change operations, and hormone therapy On the first: I'm still fuzzy on how long these things take to enforce once voted on at public ballot, which certainly means that there are some folks who believe as soon as the counting's finished, it's Official Law and they're allowed to bust same-sex couples and throw them in the slammer.
Which I'm sure isn't the idea in the first place--it's more like "you're as married as the kindergarteners in the playground pretending to get married are married"--which is why I think
this is an awesome idea:What if people just started having mass unrecognized public gay weddings in the streets anywhere that banned recognizing gay marriages?
Would that discourage the practice, since banning it meant homophobes would have to see more gay marriages than if it were legal?
I'm doing my best to not completely ignorant about things, which is why I'm glad there's a
cheat sheet, but it's still aggravating how much scorekeeping there is with this kind of thing. All I can guess/hope? is there'll one day be a point where all the bigoted fuckheads who remember the 1950s die out, though I guess they're trying to prevent that by making sure ALL bigoted fuckheads reproduce while sane people may or may not.
I dunno. It's kinda late again =p Me and my naps!