4100.14: Dollar Day

Jan 09, 2012 19:38

Ugh! Predictably, my queue got deleted because I left it in the client editor, but for the STRANGE reason of it spontaneously decided there wasn't a draft anymore... |='

Which is excellent, 'cause I now have NO idea what I was writing about, except the thing I put off 'cause it's so hateful. UGH X/


Anyway, today came and went, predictably without the callback about getting my old job back. I kinda expected that, since delays are pretty much a given at this stage in my life, but it's aggravating all the same.

In preparation anyway, I took the "while I have the free time" opportunity to start Phase 1 of "My Bank is a Dick" and went to close my completely worthless savings account. [Phase 2 is find a credit union and apply, which is on tomorrow's itinerary.] I had some trouble expressing my concerns about what C went through with his savings account not exactly being closed and subsequently being charged a fee for having below the minimum balance, but I *think* that should be that. Expecting some shenanigans later either way.

The other major thing I need to figure out is extricating myself from PayPal for various reasons*, to which several of you are no doubt saying, "About time!!" I'd already removed the donation button from my site when I realized some troll could be a dick about it, and I've gone back to trusting that the credit card company will do its job if my card gets a fraudulent online charge [since PayPal doesn't]. That pretty much leaves how to give money to the freelance artists and etc. I want to support but who otherwise have to use PayPal.


Oh personal checks, you funky antiquated things, looks like you're back in style! -_-

We'll see what tomorrow holds, in any event. Not a plan that really deviates from what I've been doing the past nine months, but it's what I do.

*re: busted violin, this is basically the reverse viewpoint of their failure to defend my case when the USPS arbitrarily decided to leave my $200 iPod touch out where it could get stolen--lesson: BUY EXPENSIVE THINGS IN PERSON and SELL EXPENSIVE THINGS IN PERSON

I might *might* trust them again to do small transactions, but at the moment it's an "out of principle" thing that I'm basically shutting down everything. Even inclined to shut down eBay, but there's an odd chance of something one-of-a-kind showing up there [still addicted to collecting cels].

whatamitaggingexactly, ihatepeople, internety, sucks, ihatemoney

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