3584.3: Unforgivable (First State Remix)

Aug 11, 2010 22:54

I remembered what I was going to post earlier! It had to do with AvB, actually =/ [sort of]

My dreams are particularly jarring for me when I have them, because they're almost always completely absurd in a way that leaves me feeling disappointed when it's over. By this, I mean I have the ones where I can fly by flapping my arms just so [though I'm afraid of heights, this ties in more with maneuverability than as a means of travel--I could then reach the top shelves in the house], or I go to a shopping center with an arcade and every crane machine or game cab practically gives out prizes/coins due to a flaw in the design, or I meet someone awesome, or I have... well... nice things... you know, stuff I'd never get to have or do in real life for what reason that I would then miss when I awoke.

So this one was back at my parents' house [the most recurring piece of architecture in my dreams, and also the most fluid], where the place had somehow been transformed into a production studio [?!?!] and some big animation or other was being filmed there [yeah, I dunno--dream logic].

On the stairs from the non-master [slave?] bedrooms to the main level was sitting Armin van Buuren. Hey awesome, I'll get him to draw in my smiley book! =D

So he did... and drew on someone else's smiley... D= of something that made no sense [a tuxedo t-shirt he'd seen somebody wearing]

*elated and, yet, crushed*

So I woke up and was GLAD it was a damned dream after all! What the hell. That wasn't the worst "turned out to be a jerk" dream I've had, but it unfairly changes my opinion a bit. [I'm going to assume it was an imposter anyway--lefty in-dream, pretty sure he's righty IRL]

Nothing of import, really! Not sure why I bothered, but everything is information =/ in its own way. Dreams, lately, just seem to cement my preference that not dreaming is better. Once in a very very very very VERY VERY VERY long time, I have one that makes it worthwhile, but usually the nightmares outweigh the keepers =(

I did draw a panel tonight, but my pen died shortly into inking, and I don't have another of the same type T_T So the art changes a bit--my usual inking pens don't have remotely the flexibility of the one I was just using to use it up [and ended up liking after all! AAGH]. Aggravating, but I was going to spend aeons digitally redrawing them anyway, wasn't I... ¬_¬;

[Also, what's up, LJ?? I know I paid you off permanently, but... c'mon, stop breaking. Aagh, I don't have a failsafe in the event of maximum suckage, maybe I should look into that.]

argh, nightmarey, sucks, dreamy, arty, bother, blathery, journal

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