3205: For What Reason

Jul 28, 2009 01:02



I've got about ten more of these sketched out, not sure how many more to go total =p How many distinct emotional/mental states can you count?

I found the notes I had made for TOAD before I started actually writing it... not really notes, I guess, but full, rough dialogue. It's strange how I apparently re-wrote the core of the story so it conflicts with what I was originally thinking: when Mum Grey died, motive of Pa Waters in not sharing her stuff, and so on. Some of it's still good, so I'm adding it back in where I can, but the whole story suffers from "No Back Cover" syndrome--

--something I realized about writing is that the stuff that goes on the back cover of a book/DVD/game/etc. should be an accurate, moderately spoiler-free synopsis of the entire story. Anything that doesn't contribute to that at least somewhat directly is droning, if not filler, unless it performs a useful function such as a flashback showing a villain's formative years, or a tale that provides clues to finding the treasure, or whatever. The problem is I had a story, but it's so... LiveJournal that I can't summarize it well. As loathe as I am of Twilight, I'm envious that it can be summarized* a la Cliff's Notes as "a girl takes on a power greater than herself and thus personifies female empowerment."
*somewhere I can't find that has me second-guessing it now, though I'm really not inclined to double-check my findings

That it's actually just High School Musical: Underworld is a different matter, but that doesn't change the fact there's no underlying moral to my stories. Might be okay for some peeps, but I'm feeling a little more self-conscious than usual, and it does make me wonder where I'm going with it all. Are people really okay with a story that just happens?

'spose I answered my own question. I guess I did say my story was pretty Japanese, at one point.

In my works, I love the post-twist characters the best. The problem I have is getting through all the hoary set-up first, and sequence is important... 9_9 Guess I'd be better with kids if I could have them but skip the baby stage. [Adopt? Not quite... I still don't know how to conduct myself with someone else's kids, which they still would be.] So as disappointing as it is, I have to baby them before I can fully enjoy their developed selves.

I'm looking for life-like dolls, incidentally. Not TOO life-like, but... you know, why not. Much as it'd be another random money pit, that may be the closest I get to an actual child, since I wouldn't be able to keep the real thing going 9_9 [okay, not "unable" as much as "unable without going batshit loco in the process"]

Incidentally, is there anyone in the world who reads Frazz but NOT because they think it's like reading about Calvin [and Hobbes] grown-up? Out of curiosity.

arty-cast, internety, thunk, writey, nobabies, whataworld, terminology, philosophy

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