3176: Things That Rhyme With Orange

Jun 29, 2009 00:23

I got bored and searched for "tracy butler" in Google, when I couldn't think of any more classmates, and I stumbled across this oddball comic, basically saying Tracy's some kind of alien cyborg bent on taking over the world with kitty drawings.

Having visited Tracy, I'm a little familiar with why the comic would insinuate such things. The formula is rather easy to piece together, however:
- Take one budding artist.
- Learn to draw from life [NOT from Sonic the Hedgehog].
- NO cutting corners! If it's hard to draw, DRAW IT ANYWAY.
- Create a rudimentary website and post artwork there. [Secondary "mirror" art sites a bonus.]
- Be hired straight out of high school by a game company.
- DRAW CONSTANTLY in the line of work.
- Be called an alien cyborg bent on taking over the world with kitty drawings.
- Voila!

I know what it would take to get there from where I am. The problem--besides that I don't have the energy to backpedal that far--is it's one goal of many I have, and I learned from The Color of Her Panties [yeah, I realize what that sounds like]. Sure, I could be Tracy Butler. Thing is, there already IS a Tracy Butler. Why not be ME?

Me turns out to be someone who piddles around with art in between five billion other projects, such as getting Rock Band achievements.

I know I mentioned that twenty-year DOOM clock hanging over my head, but it's okay. Stan Sakai got his start in his forties, if I'm not mistaken, and that's a good enough bar for me. No doubt I'll be tired of Rock Band by then anyway 9_9

I'll still have to bug her for a smiley, of course. [And one from Candy Palmer, why not]

Helga's being a naughty dog. Mum thinks it's from being on that shit diet + being ignored pretty much 23 hours of the day. I'd add in "getting senile" in there, considering she went from nicking mostly normal food to, Friday, some kitchen roll [paper towels] and, if I understand right, shall we say... STUFF out of the cats' litter box.


I can't imagine being so desperate for food as that, but I also am unlikely to be in a position of being perfectly healthy yet unable to vocalize my thoughts and/or help myself. [Comatose/mute/quadraplegic doesn't really count as "perfectly" healthy.] I feel bad for her, but it's not my place to sneak her treats, nor do I want to encourage that. So.

No KD this weekend either, but also no TF2 for me on account of work to do =( but C and D went and liked it anyway. Mostly I hate this feeling of being left out/behind due to one thing or another and, once again, Sunday evening makes me feel like I've squandered the weekend.

*Since 1984*

but C and I saw this at Target, illustrating that they just can't decide what those boys look like =/ unless... they WANTED Frank to look like Jesse McCartney... T_T WHYYYYYYY

--and stacks of "hidden object" crap |=p Okay, props for encouraging kids to LOOK for stuff instead of just saying, "I can't find it/someone took it," but NOT PUZZLE, DO NOT WANT XO

*another weekend down the tubes*


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