3174: Nine in the Afternoon

Jun 27, 2009 02:20

XD Storyboards from Michael Bay's The Great Gatsby

Wow, I almost want to see this.

Also almost want to see, the mystery of Shu's "Tanya" is solved! Apparently she and Rusty broke up, and Shu stepped in o_O So he's Phoenix's stepdaddy now! Ah, it's like our own little local soap opera, minus a LOT of drama with Nag leaving the picture.

[Speaking of, he phrased their differences as "not working out"... about the nicest way that could possibly be phrased, eh?]

There might be KD on Sunday, but I'd prefer not =p although if there is, I'd rather go than not. Aagh, decisions! Too much to do. I'm trying to streamline, but the best I can do is retool [so to speak] my old "I'm Not A" Sketchbook for what I need until such a time as I can buy a new one--idea being I need to fill it up, and it's a better progress indicator than loose paper.

I wish I had a solid grasp of which projects I have are still viable =p It's hard to tell just how much work any one needs. I'll think one's almost done, but there will be hidden sinkholes... =_= SUCKAGE

One thing down, tho =p *Mulan*


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