3142.1: Float On

May 26, 2009 18:45

I saw the BESTEST, most awful car on the way to work this morning! D= It had a whole bunch of protest-march-style signs mounted on it like sails! WTF?? o_O Unfortunately I was too far away/behind it to see what they said, besides the rain + traffic not actually being at enough of a standstill to get a picture as evidence... I'd say there might be a chance I'd see it again, but what are the odds that someone actually is insane enough to have that as a permanent fixture?

I'm half-tempted to start a[NOTHER] new project, but I have no idea what good would come of it. By that I mean should I start making, say, a custom Tarot deck, what good would it be besides filling my art gallery with 74 basically similar images? I guess I could sell prints, but if I can't actually print them as useable cards, it sort of feels like a wasted effort. May as well pick at a comic.

[On the latter, any preferences from the peanut gallery? All one of you? Y'all know I'm indecisive.]

C got the security deposit back from the apartment, and it looks like they charged us again for utility bills we'd already paid. He's not inclined to bother contesting it, which [combined with other anecdotal evidence] leads me to believe that most places do their own screwage where they can get away with it on account of it would cost more to make a small claims case than the value of the screwage. Surely there are better, less aggravating ways to get ~$100 than by arguing.

Also, I overslept during my didn't-fix-my-schedule-after-all lunch nap because my alarm somehow got set to OFF as soon as I created it X/ [note the blame deferral--yes, I am still antagonistic about the sensitivity settings on some o' these new-fangled techno-devices] No one really noticed, tho... and yet I got called saying what a great job I'm doing and would I be willing to go another month.

Seriously, if I could, I'd get some of y'all in on this, rather than... oh... Fifi X/ [Did I mention she set her own photo as her desktop? UGH!]

ihatedriving, renty, ihatemoney, lolololol, arty, workcrap, ugh!, hat

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