3059: Super Madness Smash!

Mar 04, 2009 22:27

So I should mention that as of next Friday [not this coming Friday], we will only be able to have at most two cars of guests over, and they will have to use visitor parking permits for the duration of their stay... 9_9 It seems like we've always been hit with some major stupid thing right before deciding to move--is it just that time? Like, the first place decided to sell the apartments as condos, and... well, Nag was stupid enough for the last place, even if it wasn't their fault, but there was something my memory's blocking that won't make me happier for remembering, I'm certain.

But here I definitely won't miss, for instance, the backing of the window façade where they glued the plastic bit to the window, not realizing/caring that that part is visible from the other side... or that it looks like lots of clusters of bug/spider eggs =p I mean, besides this parking thing 9_9 and the fact they take two weeks to decide to fix our loose faucet... and that yappy dog and the old guy who likes to prop the door open and let all the bugs and cold air in and raise our heating costs [especially since we're the lowest floor].


My change jar--something I originally started as a placebonic gauge of doing well for oneself* after seeing Tracy's--is nearly full, so it's almost time to dump it in the CoinStar machine. It's only a... tomato sauce jar, I think it was?, so there's maybe $70 in there if it's more quarters than pennies [but maybe closer to $40], but feeling how heavy it is just being that size astonishes me when I think of Tracy's [or the Muggs'] GIANT pretzyl? jar full of change o_O How heavy is that, 40+ pounds???

I think I'm good with my tomato sauce change, thanks. Awkward enough carrying THAT much to CoinStar =p

*The idea is that having change at the end of the day means having enough money such that I can dump it in a jar and forget about it for a while, then BOOM, it's like instant wealth! I guess it comes from not having had a job until I was in college and never really learning the value of money until I had a steady income. It still doesn't fill up very quickly, since I do so much charging [creating a paper trail] rather than spending on-hand cash only [which has consistently gone much faster than anticipated], so it doesn't quite have the intended effect, but the idea's still kind of nice, even if it DOES mean having to spend money to get change in the first place [I fight on a daily basis to NOT buy food for lunch when I've already brought plenty in to work].

Aaaaaaand I have a guide to do. Single-handedly it looks like =/ and I'm so not prepared to do it, 'cause I'm so tired at the end of the day. 'Fact, I should just go to bed now... T_T Shit, and I still have pants to hem... X/

taghappy, movey, bother, seepy, hat, ihatemoney, maily

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