2861: That's All

Aug 18, 2008 14:47

“Please cut down some of the trees in Denali National Park. It is difficult to see the forest because these trees are in the way.”
I know I've been quiet this weekend, unless you follow minzoku [and I know which of you do, tho I wouldn't blame you for not], but that's just how it goes. The second Maryland Shmupmeet was Saturday, and I took pictures and things this time, besides the hardcoregamer.com layouts Matt Damon asked me to do.

I also slept in today, despite actually being kind of awake about noon. Dunno, I feel like I have these permanent bags under my eyes from less/bad sleep, but sleeping in doesn't help either, does it? I finally only got up from just lying in bed because the upstairs noise reminded me I have a ton of laundry to do.

From Marilyn:Apurva Bodiwala of Norcross, Georgia, writes:

Marilyn: When I was growing up, my parents often tried to get me to eat more by saying that children in other parts of the world were starving. I never understood why it would help them if I ate more. Now I have my own children. Is there a better argument I can make to them?

Marilyn responds:

Unless your pediatrician says that your child should eat more, you have no good argument. Maybe that's why you can't think of one yourself! I believe that when parents encourage normal, healthy children to eat beyond their natural desire to stop, they are unwittingly putting their children on the road to weighing too much someday.

Overweight is epidemic in this country. Calling a halt to this old-fashioned admonition would help establish better eating habits in childhood.
For me, it was "eat [XYZ thing that looked and smelled nasty]," not just eating more. I ate what I liked, just not specific things I didn't like. They also picked on me for being a little overweight, which is counterintuitive with the "eat more" mentality.

"Because it will make you stronger and healthier" makes sense, actually, but only with the specific things they won't eat [fruits and veg], not just "more" in general.

foody, quote-groan, fatty, games, seepy, hgm, marilyn

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