May 10, 2008 04:18
Good but mildly annoying: My entire NeoJank store got bought out! [well, half of it] Good, because I am LOADED now. Annoying, because I have to refill all that merch, and my SDB's been running low as was =/ and I only get X number of SSW uses in a certain time period to find all this stuff.
Relatedly, when an Editorial pointed out that Pocket Neopet virtual items had changed into new* items, I realized that I could still capitalize on this. So, before anyone could buy the one I'd just put on eBay, I threw a ridiculous reserve on it--should've just ended it and said it was broken or something, but if someone really wants it...--and figured I'd spend some of that thumb-twiddling time during work raising my Pocket Neopet Kougra again [first time, code didn't work, and I got fed up with it].
*Since Pocket Neopets are long out of print, or whatever, they don't want the virtual version to advertise something that's no longer available, hence the change.
So, when I yet again failed to get awake in time to shop leisurely for replacement batteries--the originals being from 2002 and long spent already--I decided to hit up a Radio Shack during my lunch break, with the idea that they were the most likely to have on the first visit the odd size of battery I needed. I dared an Internet store locator search and found what I thought was the nearest one, wrote down the directions [left on W Gude Dr, right on Hungerford], and headed out a little early after cheating my time sheet a couple of minutes.
Twenty-seven minutes later, I managed to get mostly back to the office, rather angry at the complete lack of a junction between W Gude and Hungerford XO I managed to talk myself into going into the Best Buy right by the office, at least, and getting SOMETHING out of the waste of gas... and there they were, right on a whole battery cart. Figures.
[When I went back to the Radio Shack website to check my route, it apparently couldn't find the original path it told me to take. Also figures. Also, gas at the Chevron on that corner is up to $3.85--yeah, McCain, your gas relief thingus ain't doin' nothin' for that!]
But Pocket Neopet was boring when I first got it, it's boring now, and unfortunately I can't do much with it when the key parts of the game require my full attention [the Simon/Techo Says/Copy-Cat part]. I've managed to figure out that I can at least tinker with the time to a degree to speed up the process--at least nine days of normal play to unlock the code--but I don't know exactly how picky it is with that. Hey, I can argue that putting my Kougra to bed early saves the battery, so no complaints from the "YUO CHEATAR!!1" gallery.
Last Neobit: I kind of want to start creating some junk accounts so to adopt some of the unadoptable pets from the Pound and self-freeze said accounts, but I wonder if that wouldn't actually annoy TNT more than alleviate load on the database. Certainly I don't want to do it from here, and I'm not sure if I should do it from work. Hrm...
...I've been taking photos of the assorted vitamins, antihistamines, and aspirins* around the apartment, due to doing a drug-related article with no assets :p and it's actually frustrating the complete LACK of variety these types of pills have! The most colour in all of them are these Tylenol Extra Strength caplets that actually managed to have three relatively contrasting colours! The rest are white or pastel ¬_¬ with the only other variance between them being size, shape, and imprint.
*Presumably this was a trademark that lost to genericide due to no one ever likely using its generic name of... [Google it!]
It makes me feel very artsy, though. In a kind of drug-pushing way. [Hey, like my father! [a retired pharmacologist]] I'll have to spend what of the weekend isn't running around on errands working on the lay, though, so UNGH on thinking I was going to do much else =(
Oh, and one of my co-workers [no nickname yet] was wearing a shirt that said, "I recycle boys" ^^; ...I'm still trying to work out the logistics of that. "I take the boys you dump"? I... guess that's funny? but damned if I know why it makes me smirk anyway :/
I ruined my streak in Freecell, though X( 107 wins before I failed to foresee a loss! Hmph. No, I'm not actually that good at it, I just know that terminating the program through Task Manager won't register an incomplete game as a loss. So I'm going back to what I originally did when I played at my parents' house--playing every game, in order, to see if they're all actually beatable. Beat #7 before Aibo kicked me out, though I was at least through #100-something when I first did this. The trick will be how many I can win WHILE keeping my streak before my contract's up, whenever that will be. [Of course, even being placed at a different station will ruin my streak, though I could still note my progress to date.]
STOOF! I bed now, I promise =p