2758: Inside Your Head

May 07, 2008 03:20

I forgot to mention that Char made me show him my Torrent of Johnny Mnemonic [which, unless you're Dan Mugg, is the only acceptable way to watch it]. It's just as awful as I remember, but--for Dan reasons--it's hilarious. Best villain/villain death EVAR: Dolph Lundgren as a bionic assassin Jesus!

It's also nightmarish.

Watching it again, I recognize key plot points following which I had nightmares of very specific things happening: getting sliced in half but not dying immediately and getting that split second to realize the slightest movement will be fatal, having a body part thrust into liquid nitrogen, having frozen body part smashed off [this last bit not alleviated in any way by Demolition Man, FWIW]. I mean, I'm not partial to being shot*, but being shot tends to be either instant death, a slow death in the absence of somewhat immediate attention, or nonfatal, and it happens so often in movies that it's rather standard by comparison. In any case it's either "too late" or "work quickly and live"--there's not nearly the degree of fear factor as, "OH SHIT IF I MOVE I DIE <=O" ...which I've actually experienced in-dream. *shudder*
*I don't know for certain but am PRETTY SURE I won't like it

I'd remembered [unrelated to the above] another nightmare scenario that's less gory, one more along the vein of "This creeps me out merely by existing." I don't mean Sean Hannity kind of creep, either, but more like if there was a half-eaten still-alive animal thrashing around outside your house--THAT kind of creepy O_O It's not even that creepy itself, but it manages to evoke some disturbing mental imagery that deeply unsettles me in a way I can't describe.

Good thing I'm going to sleep here in a bit! =p thinking of all this nightmare crap. Even Death Note would cheer me up from this state XB

Completely unrelated: I got a working Torrent of 10kBC! It looks crap quality, but for purposes of evaluation it'll do. I imagine it's not that good, given it pretty much topped the box office by default the weekend of release, but I'd rather see a movie that's better than I expected [Iron Man!] than get all hyped up for something that ends up being kinda crap [88 Minutes].

[ya know, I'm pretty sure I have some redundant tags in here... I'll need to fix that when it's worth my while]

afeared, ugh!, eew, piraty, moviey, creepy, needsretrotagging

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