2675: Suddenly

Feb 13, 2008 01:12

Jack escapes!

...which is to say, Char and I tried Mr. Jack after Fawx left it with us [intentionally], and he won by virtue of at the beginning of Turn 7 I didn't see how to get to him to accuse him--which meant that he would win as soon as Turn 8 started, because Jack with first move was able to escape. I had narrowed it down, at least, but Char agreed, yes, the ambiguous phrasing in the rules AS WELL AS the misleading icons on the turn counter suggesting that a Jack check is made after EACH turn unbalances the game well in the Inspector's favour.

It was closer than when I'd played Jon, though, so I feel it was a satisfactory loss. I came in second 9_9

For unrelated reasons, though, I'm a bit miffed: The carrier brought a wad of circulars and shoved THAT in the box, but left a note to pick up the only actual mail s/he was carrying. I went to the post office to pick it up, and they said it wasn't back yet, try tomorrow.


Does it really deviate from their schedule that much to come down to the door and knock, THEN leave the note? I would have answered the door and saved the hassle =p

[rhetorical question--they're not FedEx, I GUESS]

Very brave of this store:DEAR AMY: "Mark From Fresno," who had problems with rude customers on cell phones, might want to emulate a bakery across from Pike Market in Seattle.

Their sign says, "Don't even think about ordering if you're on a cell phone!" It keeps customers moving and cell phone abusers in check. I love it! -- Larry

DEAR LARRY: No doubt this is why everyone wants to move to Seattle.
Then again, perhaps that's why they get better business, that the oblivious yakkers are in the minority, so they can afford to post a berating sign like that. I suppose there are more interesting things I could be reposting, but I like that one--it's pleasing when people take a stand against such egregious stupidity.

Hmm. Maybe I should save this one, too:Dear Carolyn:

What's the best way to deal with someone who's chronically bitter -- of the I'm not rich/smart/good-looking enough, don't have a nice enough house/car/job variety? Reminding them of all the things they do have to be grateful for has backfired big time.


Naturally. And with those reminders that "backfired," you did what the embittered person wanted most: You completed the circuit of victimhood. The world is big and bad, woe is me, even my friends minimize my suffering, the world is big and bad.

What breaks the circuit? Responsibility. The world is big, yes; the world is bad; we deal with that how? We make the best of it.

So you deal with someone bitter, someone stuck on the big-and-bad-world part, with: "Okay. What are you going to do about it?"

"Excuse" and "complain" don't count.
On a lighter note, more from that same job spam place with the "LOOKING FOR GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR THE JOB CAN COME LATER!" schtick:THINGS YOU'D LOVE TO SAY OUT LOUD AT WORK
1. I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.
2. How about never? Is never good for you?
3. I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.
4. I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.
5. It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying.
6. Ahhh...I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again...
7. I like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and stupid.
8. You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.
9. The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.
10. Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.
11. Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?
12. Oh I get it. .. like humor... but different.
I appreciate the sentiment, but the typos make me cringe T_T The place might be good for anyone who doesn't mind being in marketing like that, but... URRRGHGHHGHHHHGHGHGH XB~~~~~~~~~

I applied to Acorn Media Group, too, FWIW. It'd be nice to hear from someone who wasn't an automated program, though [got one in English AND Spanish tonight]...

complainy, maily, lolololol, hax, grammar, boardgamey, socially, amy, irresponsibly

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