I have books 2 and 3 of Hungry City now, but Infernal Devices, though I specifically ordered hardcover for all four, is in fact a paperback. However, as was a point of interest to the fams, it is an "uncorrected proof not for sale" copy, which is more interesting, even if not exactly what I wanted.
Though fairly I ought to have contacted the seller about it, I left 4 of 5* due to the miscategorization of the book, even though I'm not going to return it. I do have to eventually get a correct copy, though =p by which I mean consistent with the other ones [which are apparently the NA release, differing from the UK by things like Shrike being called Grike for what reason], and if for no other reason than to check against it for typos and such corrections, even though I noticed a missing period in Mortal Engines [failing to close a sentence].
*I dislike the grades of pos/neg on Half.com but couldn't exactly be glowing, though I should have at least left explanation of why the point off, I guess. Oh, well, too late =p
--which, I ended up reading Mortal Engines all the way through tonight, though part of that is having read through it once already and just refreshing myself. I'm picking at a sketch, but I don't think I'll have anything showable for a bit, yet. Reading through the first time, my image of Tom was pretty much like Marc's, turning slowly into Thyathyrec =p [...and one day y'all will know who I'm talking about here...] but when I actually started sketching, he ended up looking quite a bit like
Varden ¬_¬
AH, HUMANS WHY DO YOU LOOK SO ALIKE *shakes fist* ...actually, I can do a much better job making people distinctive if I 1. copy a photo/from life and/or 2. draw quite large [compared to the puny size most comic panels end up being]. It's just the composition ends up taking up too much space compared to where people end up when I place them.
Semi-related, I've noticed that most major novels [Dean Koontz, HP, etc.] do in fact lack the evil adverbs that Ellen and Fawx scolded me against using*--though the FMA novels have not only had many adverbs but also many orphans [single words on a line], I assume because they were translated, not proofed by an editor. However, most novels also only single-space between sentences, as HTML does, which I think makes it harder to read. Online, I single-space because it's not worth coding in double-spaces [ -- non-breaking spaces], but I've been habitually putting in the extra space in my novels. It's not an issue of should I bother, since I think it makes the type look better, but it sort of makes me feel snobbish somehow to do it, if major novels don't, though I know they likely do that for printing reasons like how they will spell words like "travelling" with only one L to save that minute amount of ink since it's a correct spelling either way.
*As I told them, it was much appreciated, as I honestly didn't know, though I'm painfully aware of them now even in casual chatter like this when I'm prone to using them anyway because it's more reflective of my thoughts. I just limit them in more formal writing.
But we saw Marc and Hazel off, though it feels weird because I feel I ought to stay in touch though I don't really have specific reason to do it. "Hey, I drew Tom, too, wanna see?" doesn't seem like "I'm going to bug you now" material. Then again, part of it may be that I don't even write to my actual family that much =p so it feels unbalanced, even if my family is pretty much how I am--out of sight, out of mind.Reverse the direction the fish is swimming by moving only three matches and the coin.
Reverse the direction the dog is facing by moving only two matches and the coin. [The dog's tail MUST stay upwards.]
By "moving"--of course--I mean that only the matches that are moved should be touched at all. The rest should remain exactly as they are.
Depending on how visitation goes, I'll have something to post [VERY LATE] tomorrow. Yeah, I know saying I'll post something--especially something art-related--jinxes it so I won't, but I have to show something for myself =p I just don't think I can finish it up in the at-most half-hour I should be in bed before at this point.