2603: Your Move

Dec 04, 2007 00:54

See, of COURSE they start posting the insanely-hard-to-find DragonQuest [Abel Yuusha] cels on eBuy now that I'm unemployed! XB but at the moment I'm trying to distance myself from a full day of Puzzle Quest =p though for most of it I was fighting Puzzle Quest hangover even while playing.

Oh, I solved my "can you get a hangover without getting drunk" problem... sort of x_@

[hay WHUT mew icon]

Why do people feel compelled to announce things like, "I'm leaving the fandom!!one!" when it's really kind of irrelevant? I mean, it's not like quitting a job, where there is an obvious effect on oneself and others. "I'm leaving Elfwood for DeviantArt!"* and such is equally silly, because as far as I'm aware 1. most companies/websites do not penalize for patronizing another at the same time, 2. nor do they spontaneously remove free memberships due to disuse [with exception of excessively long absences--Neopets purges unused accounts after, say, three years without login]. That is, Sam's Club might purge my account if I stop paying my membership and don't pay for it again for, say, three years, but it's not something I feel any need to announce.

I mean, if I was "leaving" Yahoo! as my primary e-mail, that would be one thing, because that's the primary means of contacting me for some people. If I wanted to leave, say, LiveJournal, I would just make a post and say, "Hey, I'm not going to update this anymore, if you want to stay in touch check out my site" and leave it at that [and delete prior entries if applicable], though I personally wouldn't leave LJ unless it stopped functioning exactly as it has since I signed up 2,603 days ago [late 2000] and/or became much worse rather than better [I think it's generally gotten better]. Why the "am leaving" present progressive? Just do it and have it done with.

Of course, I recognize that most people "leave" publicly out of protest for some action or other, but I feel it would be more effective just to describe what it is that offends me and let my obvious disapproval of such speak for itself ["Red Lobster supports seal clubbing" or whatever one that was I heard once]. In this case, leaving should not be news in and of itself but instead be the natural, understood consequence.

That is, unless you LIKE Teh Drama, then leave all you want 9_9

Lot of rhetoric in this post. I may have just answered my own question again! ...hmm, TIME FOR CRAP RIDDLE! [stoled from some crap riddle website]1. How do you put a giraffe in a refrigerator?

2. How do you put an elephant in a refrigerator?

3. You attend an animal conference, and all the animals attend except one. Which is it?

4. You come to a crocodile-infested river. How do you cross it?
*I did leave both Elfwood and DeviantArt, for the record, but because I simply didn't like their interfaces, management, and direction, nor did I like what felt like the chore of updating them, though DA won't really let me remove my account for what reason so my account there's basically just a protest of such.

AAH NEED MORE YOU BASTARD SYLAR *formulates theories for S3 based on how the Heroes world works IN MY MIND*

eleganty, dramamama, thunk, ihatemoney, heroey, arty, peoples, riddlemethis, journal, daedalus

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