2551: Brain of J

Oct 13, 2007 05:44

Game night wasn't so great. I mean, I enjoyed playing, but not the outright losing [though it was amazing to have perfectly tied Chars for last by cities powered, then remaining money, then number of cities [as is not really a meaningful breakdown]]. Power Grid, my strategy was generally sound, but the grid shuffle was against me [well, EVERYONE], the map restriction was against anyone who didn't start in the middle [everyone but Fawx], and I made the mistake of 1. starting too early into garbage facilities and 2. building out an expensive extension right before someone else triggered Step 2. I think I could have stood a much better chance of reclaiming first again otherwise, but proper strategizing is here and there after a [retail] weekend of bad sleep habits.

[On that note, I seem to have slept the most solidly within the first few minutes of lying down, but then having a vivid nightmare and waking up again within thirty minutes of having lain down...?? XB GGGHGHHHHGHGHGH]

Ingenious: Definitely interesting to play, but definitely could've played to block more often. Maybe, but since it was the first game for all of us, I haven't worked out a strategy yet, other than I counterintuitively boosted one stat early and that might've cost me in trying to catch up with the others. Super Maths Ninja Jim Boom EgaJon seemed to run with it all the same, though, regardless of vocal complaints.

I only flipped through the things I bought from Dave Roman before actually purchasing them, but I managed to finish reading all of them during the evening. The HP Fanbook in particular made me realize that drawing recognizable humans really isn't as hard as my muse makes it out to be sometimes, from the myriad styles of each character that are nevertheless identifiable. This just widens the rift between me and any furry work I had on the table [other than book stuff, though that's also gotten a wedge driven between us], as I want to sit down with a sketchbook and make up for lost time, as it were.

I mean, it's really not necessary to make animals look different--real animals don't use sight as much as humans do to distinguish each other--but humans need a little more emphasis on actual features and things. I don't want to end up with my style being another anime-esque clone where each character is distinguished only by palette, hairstyle, and outfit, for instance =p I should be able to draw Hiro and not have him look like my father after putting on a little weight ¬_¬ [although Ando would look like my brother with a little less]

Tangent: A proposition W came up that X event caused Y of us to no longer like Z*, and John Doe [the source of X event] take it badly to be informed of this fact. The truth is, yes, it would. The reason is he fails to learn how to handle things like X so they don't end up disastrous to the point of turning off others to it.
*exempli gratia, X = "John getting drunk and throwing up in Jane's car," Y = "three," Z = "alcohol"

For instance, John hates to lose. So, his strategy is to do whatever he wants, then whine when he loses anyway, as though the fault is with others for not letting him win. Substituting "be disliked" for "lose" will also work, and in either case John does not actually try to figure out, "Hey, doing A, B, and C makes X turn out bad, so I shouldn't do or allow A, B, or C to happen." This is his character flaw, and one that I've never seen him try to correct.

Of course, he also allows for Out of Sight, Out of Mind, so eventually he gets over the problem by ignoring it. I guess that's acceptable after a sense, but it doesn't solve for X, as it were... it just wanders somewhere else and gets distracted...

--like this!

This riddle's from the Windham Classics Alice in Wonderland Apple ][ game, which pissed me off because after so much play, it started glitching to where, for instance, starting a new game would throw Alice straight into Wonderland, leaving her with no way to ever finish the game, and when I finally got near the end, it got stuck to where I couldn't move. Even ROMs have failed me, as the B side ROM never works properly T_T All the same:How do you get down from a train?
You don't. You get down from a ____.
And now that I've blown all my muse energy on typing a stupid LJ post, I'm seepy for bed =p Ni-ni... -_-

games, sucks, unhelpfully, complainy, gossipy, boardgamey, socially, irresponsibly, self-loathing, toomanypointlesstags, dreamy, snobby, arty, riddlemethis, unzen, seepy

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