2548.5: Safe to Dream

Oct 10, 2007 11:27

Okay, here's one for you. Guest comment [specific to our store] submitted about a month ago:why don't you carry snow throwers?
I really really really want to respond to this one, except that if I could I might get the store in trouble =p like, where IN MARYLAND is it snowing right now that s/he needs one so desperately??

On that note, I actually did manage to get out before 9 this morning ^^; but not by much... my own fault, I guess, for thinking, "Well, there's really not TOO much more to do, I can rush it..." My best hope is they haven't gotten to being Overtime-Happy and will let me off tonight, but I know where optimism has gotten me with this store X/ but it would certainly be something, wouldn't it?! Ya know, since I've been feeling this dormant scratchy throat thing coming on and could use the sleeps...

Some n00bs at work. The girl [I only saw one new girl] looks kinda like a young Tia Dalma/Calypso, so maybe that'll be her nickname(s) if she [or I] sticks around long enough. Not sure about the other n00bs. On that note, Noisy Fucker made the random comment that "they" should make a plaque for all the people who've left. Frizz immediately said that there would be WAY too many for that, and both of us started rattling off names: Crusher, Salmon, Bruce, Butch, Napoleon Dynamite*, Kauvara, Bugger... I was trying to remember Tweedledee's real name, but I couldn't think of it.
*don't think I've called him as such yet, but that's his retroactive nickname

Then Noisy Fucker complained that he didn't know all these people, 'cause he'd only been there a year! Oh, imagine! >_< Just goes to show his diarrhea of the mouth and lack of forethought that he'd rather have this commemorative Wall of Abandonment than, oh, LADDERS [which we still severely lack!].

I also got my first [sort of] call at work! ...at this store =p Turns out it was for My Evil Twin, and whoever took the call got confused, since we're both Julie M. ¬_¬ but it would seem most people would think of My Evil Twin first, since she's HR now, while I'm relatively unseen...? In any event, I was really not pleased to receive what I thought was a call for ME at work, not only because I wasn't expecting one from anyone, but because I expect any I might get only to be bad or a waste of my time. Every other time I was interrupted at work, it was only disruptive and not anything I genuinely needed to hear. Okay, my grandfather fell ill. Thanks, now I can't focus on my job for the rest of the day. "Hey, it's snowing, so be careful of ice." Um, are you really questioning my intelligence that I can't look outside when I leave for the day?

...sorry, grudge. Yeah, but I can't forgive anyone who hasn't asked for forgiveness. Some do, but that seems to defeat the point of forgiveness when pardons are handed out blanketedly, so I stick to that principle. [Note: Looking the other way doesn't necessarily equate to forgiveness. I'll let shit slide without approving of it as such.]

Unrelatedly, I spent most of the night reflecting on Heroes developments, and I'm really sort of concerned. DL ended up having the Cyclops kind of role, huh? Shat upon for all of Season 1, then...? I was a bit disappointed they didn't show Ugly Betty as such, but then, they were pretty blasé about Hana Gitelman*, weren't they? What, two cameos and that's it? I mean, in the interview they said they learned from the first season, so hopefully the random seemingly pointless cameos are cut WAY down. And is it me, or does "Claire, shut up!" take the world record for Worst Pick-Up Line EVAR?! XB
*Furthermore, they were egregious in titling this comic "The Death of Hana Gitelman," so forget ever seeing her in the show again...
All the same, need to see more...! ::^^::

I don't really think I need to post the answers for the last riddles. Y'all seem to have them down more or less =3 [though, beg me if you absolutely MUST HAVE the answer verbatim for one, for what reason] Onwards:You have thirteen pigs and four pens. Can you put all the pigs into all the pens so that each pen contains a different, odd number of pigs?
...and "no" is not a correct answer =p [and zero is even] [[besides, this one's prolly really easy after the prior ones]]

ThreeFOUR more riddles in the queue. I keep remembering them as I'm trying to fall asleep =p WTF. I've also had some unsettling dreams lately, particularly last night's [afternoon's], but thankfully the humdrum bullshit of work made me forget everything except the vague unsettling feeling. Fine, I can deal with vague. [Note: kinda also my strategy for waking up early from a nightmare--immediately go back to sleep, maybe I'll forget it...]

Ho shit, my insurance rates went down! =D I may end up not switching to Geico after all XB

Also only vaguely interested in SPX this weekend. I mean, eh, but it's kinda hard NOT to go when the celebs come to ME =B I mean, if nothing else, smiley for me book! ^^:

...can I make this post any longer? Hmm... nah.

sicky, overclocked, whattheshit, ihatemoney, heroey, whatamitaggingexactly, riddlemethis, whataworld, seepy

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