Jul 01, 2007 10:12
So since there's a big shindig tonight, Char insisted I be in bed by 10 at the lastest. Well, guess what! As I just got back, guess whether I can keep that promise? X/ Particularly with no shower going on...
I'm aggravated at the moment, the short of which being that everything that could go wrong today prolly did--I dropped my breakfast on the way out because the plastic decided to tear sideways for no good reason, every monkey on the road forgot how to drive, I forgot, "Oh, I'm over hours, so I get to come in at midnight instead!" X/ and the whole getting out late EVEN WITH THE HOURS ISSUE.
Oh, and Salmon turned in his two weeks' today. You know, being one of the guys who actually knows what he's doing.
Not pleased. Going to have a hard time relaxing.