2446.2: Sunrise (Here I Am)

Jun 30, 2007 10:51

I'm kinda bored but don't feel like going out, which is kinda the same but opposite of cabin fever... I spent most of the night catching up on Death Notes: through Ep. 31 of the anime before realizing 32, 33 were subbed in the wrong languages X/ [Italian/Spanish], then I finally watched the sub of The Last Name.

A bit disappointed with DN: TLN. Besides taking HUGE liberties with the basic plot [though, for time constraints], it totally changed the ending, so there can't be a third movie that continues the story. That is, the "wrong" people die, and in one case it's one who was supposed to live because he played an important part later, but they used his name instead of the one who actually died, which would have been easy to fix!

[icon is from movie, btw]

Did Google for two of my exes for the hell of it. [Other two I can hear about easily.] One turns up almost nothing identifiable. The other is apparently a famous-ish barista? [The picture looks just like him, minus some hair.] It's kinda weird but almost a little disappointing for some reason, like, "That's all?" Looked up classmates, too, but nothing identifiable/sites went down X/

Been picking at other projects, otherwise, with no particular progress. I feel like Keroro in Sgt. Frog #13 where he's so incapable of focusing he ends up spinning around between each thing and can't stop himself =p

Speaking of Keroro, there's a cameo from Zorori in #13 [though, he has an N-with-a-diagonal-line on his hat, so it's really just another parody "It's not REALLY him!" cameo]. I'd take a picture/scan but I don't feel like it.

Got a Torrent of Dance eJay and installed it. Refuses to run because the "wrong" CD is in the drive, regardless of which one is in the drive. Fucker.


blah, internety, deathnote, unhelpfully, peoples, manga, piraty, moviey

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