##start random shit post##
stolen from
Doonesbury:"Are you going to convict Jack Bauer? Say that criminal law is against him? 'You have the right to a jury trial?' Is any jury going to convict Jack Bauer? I don't think so." -- Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, on torture
I'm almost feeling better but not really. After that twelve-hour shift yesterday, I didn't want to do much else besides curl up with a tub of chocolate ice cream and a bad movie. ["A-ha! The Covenant! Perfect."] Despite being a bit lactose-intolerant, I actually have been consuming a lot more dairy--particularly chocolate-flavoured kinds--so if that isn't an indication of change in appetite, I don't know what is.
Fawx jokingly asked if I was pregnant, but no cravings for pickles and mayonnaise yet ¬_¬ Chocolate's just a pretty standard "my hormones are out of balance!!one!" girl food. On pregnancy, though, I think the deal-clincher is, as much as I'm interesting in having a boy between eight and twenty-one years old [those ages specifically, can't explain why], I don't think I could cope with the heartbreak of having a child die before me =(
Recent events only cementing this decision, I think, not changing it. My related objective then is to find the way that stops that annoying bleeding thing every six-eight weeks [I seem to be irregular].
The Covenant is a horrible, horrible movie, FTR. ["How shitty is your shitty movie?" "So awesome."] Caleb Danvers is almost as horrible a name as Warren Peace, also, though not as horrible as Pogue Parry =p WTF HOW DO PEOPLE GET SUCH STUPID NAMES.
Zack's folder keeps getting random spam comments. Just his--I'm not sure why. They're not even sensical, like the spammer tried to make links but ended up typing pointless junk in there that doesn't do anything but change the "Last comment" date.
Semi-prompted by
fjorab_teke, I went looking for tracks to cycle out some things in my playlist that aren't aging well, but I failed to find even working samples to see "Oh, THAT's which song it was!" on a cursory search. I mean, I found one [for pay] place, but somehow I lost where it was when I went back to look for it again. Whee, Back button overkill is me! XP Gonna have to dig through my History when I muster the patience, hopefully before it purges itself, since the pirating route isn't turning up much of anything.
Power Grid is interesting but definitely requires a lot more math/counting than most people I know want to invest in a board game. Also, I learned the trick to the game well after it was too late to do anything about it, but what do you want for a first play. [Also, Char broke the game by breaking out the secret stage.]
No random image today--it didn't occur to me to prep one, so I didn't have one ready, and Fawx wanted to use the laptop for the PG teaching game so I couldn't browse. I KNOW YOU ARE SO SAD FOR THAT. Besides, I broke sequence and did one last week even though we hosted.