I showed Frizz that the note in the $25 gift card actually said, "Get job!" ^^; which, she choked--nicely--and said she meant to say "Good job!" or [more likely] "Great job!" but forgot some important letters there... o_o;
I'm a bit baffled as to why Lesson 18 refuses to play on Havoc. It goes straight from 17 to 19 [the latter of which is corrupted at the end--¡No bueno!] even with Shuffle play turned off. I don't really feel like I'm missing anything--it's a bit like how it's possible to watch every other episode of Dragonball Z and get the entire story anyway--but it's kind of obnoxious since I can't figure out for the life of me why it skips that one. All the same, I ended up getting music in today, since Cream got that ONE FUCKING DISC on all night and pissed off everyone in the store that I'm aware of, but as we're all too polite or whatever to openly complain, it stays on.
Also goddamnit: WHY?! T_T
Got a test run of Hannah walking along and tripping, since that's the next step before I can do anything else. It looks kinda funny for some reason, but I really can't/don't want to show it off just yet... but I do. Ugh. [If I'm going to be posting it to YouTube and that, I'd rather do it when it's complete, and after a reasonable amount of time passing after submitting it to NeoJank--and I'd rather spare Gushi's bandwidth and not post it to my webspace.] What bugs me is how I keep thinking of the easier-to-do short I should have done instead that's making me rather work on that 9_9 Stupid short attention span!
Epiphany about [attachment to building characters = obsessive speculation about possible offspring = awkward? interest in other people [Steven Strait kinda = Char + Scott[my brother]] = prolly thinking too hard] that makes for "Adebuh?" writing goes here.
Unimportant filler here!
Random word here.