2335: Ordinary Day

Mar 11, 2007 11:29

Well, we are settled for the next year-ish, once we get things moved out starting May Day. The new place is a step down from here [still nice, but can't deny it's a step down], but that's the cost of staying in the city and dumping roommates. The location is prime for us, however--compared to our first place, which was prime maybe if we had kids--and is worth the extra cost, since it's almost literally five minutes to work for both of us, with no highway driving to speak of. Of course, it would have been more worth it had we gotten the current deal [two months rent free] instead of the May deal [2.5% off rent... about $40/month], but can't be too choosy in our position.

I do want to actually be at least on the path to actually owning a home by the time I'm 35, though. Too many people my age or younger are doing that, and I feel kinda self-conscious about it. Haveta remind myself that even the cast of Friends lived in apartments despite being older than I am, even if the reason is they live in New York.

I've discovered--as record of observation, not necessarily implication of anything--that I tend to obsess over various things, such as my stories or Chars or what have you. I know that can be red flags for various problems, but I've observed that I do it for a specific reason: There are many times, waking and sleeping, when entirely inappropriate or horrific images enter my mind from absolutely out of nowhere, and it's at the very least upsetting, if not downright disturbing. For instance, I'll daydream about Chars, but suddenly I'll think about one of my co-workers naked--both the men and women, depending on who I happen to see--and I'm pretty sure most of you realize the complications involved there. Alternately, drinks being left in the backroom piss me off not just because it's untidy, but because I've more than once found one with mould floating in it yet thought, "Drink it!" @_@ I don't want to think about awful things; they just happen to come to mind, and it takes a huge amount of effort to expel them.

This is a huge reason why I don't believe in the Puritan mentality of "You are sinning if you so much as even THINK of sinning!"--it's impossible for me to police my own thoughts and never think of anything I don't want to think about, and if any higher being is going to punish me for something completely out of my control, that doesn't really sound like someone I want to believe in. This is also why I don't normally like horror flicks, like The Ring--they just feed my paranoia and give me more awful things to be unable to not think about. The exception is books [still images aren't as likely to jump out at me] and scary people--when Dan asked why I could watch Sin City, I answered, "It's not scary, it's just gross." Psychotic people are easy to accept. Paranormal oogie-boogies I have a harder time processing.

I can somewhat get over horror stuff through seeing it over and over and adjusting to it--The Ring is a bit less scary now, though I'd rather not watch it every single night or anything like that. Mind you, familiarity doesn't always equal tolerance--I'm still pretty disgusted any time I see dog shit along the sidewalks on the apartment complex.

--SO since I got out at 9a as I predicted X( and have just blown what I had of the morning on eating chickens and writing this up, I will be going to bed shortly. Pretty much all I'm waiting on is Riza to flash-charge enough for tomorrow.

I figure I prolly need a karaoke playlist for work. Singing--or, mouthing the words when I'm too self-conscious to sing in front of others--seems to wake me up fairly well, and I actually felt fairly energized once we got over the horrible hurdle that is the weekend.* Of course, if I'm actually going to vocalize, I'll need to find all the songs that are within my register, meaning no Utada "Humans are not meant to be synthesizers" Hikaru Tippy-Toe and no Rammstein anything :/
*Saturdays = fewer people working + heavier workload = late-as-hell lunch break because we're not supposed to break until pulls are done but that wouldn't have happened until 5a which is cruelly late, even with Daylight Savings Bullshit

I'm tempted to record myself and play around with that, but I'm still frightened of hearing my actual voice and rather prefer the illusion of thinking I sound better than I do... ^^: I prolly wouldn't feel as afraid if even one or two people complimented my singing in the past... alas =)

...also tempted to list project ideas I want to throw on the plate, but that would just doom them, wouldn't it? ¬.¬ Regardless, I hit Borders this morning and, besides the requisite DeathNote10FMA12Disgaea2OMG!4, picked up YET ANOTHER sketchbook X/ because, for some reason, I like starting a new one if I want to draw a specific series of pictures. I'd do that in my last newest sketchbook, but that one is 11x17" and won't fit in my lunchbag =/


Edit: Let's make this post a little longer and more trite XB

Fawx, did you change money yet? I know what I wanted you to try to get now... BESIDES GASHAPON AND DOUJINSHI PR0N =p

I got a Fountain Faerie quest!!! ::O_O:: ...on the account where I'm happy with my pets' colours ;_; I'm going to have to paint a Pound pet and hope I can successfully transfer it to another account before someone else gets it =( It's too bad I didn't get the quest before I decided to blow money on that Darigan Paint Brush for that Pound Tonu!

...goddamnit, BitTorrents and/or ComCast are really starting to piss me off [more likely the latter]. Tomorrow night's going to suck if we can't get last week's 24 downloaded by then... the Torrents have been doing JACK SHIT all week! X(

[It's Sylar's fault!]

movey, arty, shoppy, hayate, psychologically

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