2334: Changing Every Day

Mar 10, 2007 09:07

Just got a call for the wrong AREA CODE o_O I mean, this Kevin person these other guys keep calling for just apparently never told anyone his new number, but this one had large fingers or something and can't push the right buttons.

Anyway FAWX:

This game was vs. myself to see how it played [since Chars dipped out early after Karous and watching me bomb at Willy Beamish + long dialogue sequences]. Thought "1" would win, but apparently "2" edged out... I can't even win against myself XD =p It's both easier to play and harder to play, because there's no counters except the cards themselves and everything depends on what cards you play where... much more random factor, as card games are prone to having.

Apparently movie night is going to be Wednesdays, if schedule holds. Also, I should do Borders, since we got held over too long at iHopIHOP last night.

Edit: As an indicator of how far behind I am in the paper now, I just got to the bit about fake marriages for Chinese gays/lesbians. Same-sex marriage would destroy the sanctity of marriage? Well... yeah. When people get married to get their parents to shut up, that's so much better than marrying for love or anything like that.

Also, toygers. Err... designer cats XB

peoples, mawwiage, boardgamey, whataworld, adebuh?, kittykittybangbang

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