2311.5: Love Me Tender

Feb 15, 2007 11:29

Yesterday was Sardius Day, and his post in specific prompts yet again the debate over improper usage of words. That is, it's easy to take his post the wrong way and assume he is making fun of homosexuals by saying the LJ theme wasn't "gay" enough, but from an objective viewpoint, it is also clear that he could mean the correct usage of the word ["happy/merry"]. I assume the latter, because I have a sense of humour and tend to give the benefit of the doubt.

Perhaps I am thinking too hard on it, but I also don't really consider "the LJ theme wasn't homosexual enough" an insult, either =3 but because I likes the gays!

I ponder this also as I ponder the continued plight of handicapped people taking offense at the use of "retard/retarded" when referring to other people. Certainly it's a term that's easy to use without thinking, but it also has neutral connotations when describing things ["backwards-moving/regressive"]. The latter is the one I'm more prone to using [in my MIND], and I've never used it when talking about others that I'm aware of, but a lot of it seems to be oversensitivity triggered by just the use of a potentially-negative word, even in a neutral context. I'm not talking about justified offense, like the "GEICO.COM--So easy, a caveman could use it!" stuff, but the grey areas.

There's also the "N-word" that supposedly began as a compliment ["from Niger" = "wise person"], but I don't remember where I heard that or if it's even true. I do know that a fagot [spelled correctly] is a bundle of sticks, but I'm not sure how that became an offensive term for a homosexual male when it originally described women.

...well, I guess a homosexual man could sort of be considered a woman. I know a few who are better at being one than I am ='

Anyway, I've talked about this before, when observing that eventually all words will have some connotation of sexual or drug-related reference :p It's annoying that there's truth to it, though, even if I forgot to add insult to the list. Pretty soon, we won't be able to talk to each other without becoming so violently offended that the entire human race goes extinct overnight 9_9 No wonder there're still wars going on X(

I seem to be failing my efforts to get a <1 post/day count going, also :|

...off to the bank!

reasoning, thunk, taghappy, wordy, culturally, negatively, whataworld, observe

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