I felt pretty motivated a bit ago, but things have petered out again, and I'm a bit in an unmotivatable funk... I'm trying to be patient about it, but my enthusiasm seems inexplicably culled by feelings of "I can't do this until this happens, and it hasn't," which isn't helping. I should be able to get motivated regardless of outside conditions [not necessarily literal outdoors].
So, I spent money X( This time, it was on cards I'm missing, but there are no fewer than four money pits where all my spare money regularly goes [what I don't rescue by putting into savings].
Trading cards. Initially, the only Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card I had was the All-Seeing White Tiger [icon], which I found on the floor at work. My collection doubled when the localized Shonen Jump included a Blue-Eyes White Dragon in the first issue, but otherwise I didn't spend a dime on Yugi specifically. Then when Konami started putting a lot of Gradius-related cards in the sets, I ended up having to get those =p because, what I lack in skill I may as well make up for with enthusiasm XD ...which just goes to show my weakness in the matter.
Yet I have collected the entirety of several other card sets [AD&D, Wyvern, Neopets] as well as select Duel Masters cards [for Elegant/D-Suzuki's art] without really thinking about how much money was going into card sleeves and binders just to not really be touched ever again. I think especially with the complete sets, it's the fascination with order that I like--despite limiting myself to only Gradius cards, I'm on occasion tempted to pick up such-and-such cards [Dark Magician Girl among the ones I can remember best] because they seem shiny or whatever, and though I dislike the complete tangent into this card game shit that Yugi veered into after originally being about game strategy in general, I still read the card game shit with total interest... after all, even bullshit "I willed the winning card into my hand a la Sailormoon!" strategy is still strategy =/
[The show still sucks, though. It's like if Dragonball Z had been about cards instead of Kung-Fu Hustling.]
Mostly I manage to avoid collecting Yugi because they're not numbered. I had to finish Wyvern not just because I liked
Peter Pracownik's art [most people didn't... :( aww], but also because the whole thing was numbered and I would feel bad if one was missing X/ ...ditto for NeoJank 9_9 I think Duel Masters is numbered, but the cards kinda suck overall... thankfully.
Manga. Self-explanatory, if you know me at all. 9_9
Insoles. I buy insoles at least twice as often as I buy shoes, in largest part because the clothing industry hates women. "Size 7" is what? What the fuck does that mean in shoe terms? Even "wide" shoes are too narrow for me, so I end up getting a size or two too large and filling the excess space with foam insoles. As a result, I never remember what size I should actually be, because I'll go up or down as many as three sizes, depending on how shitty the shoe is.
I should get those Nike pumps or something, but I never seem to make it into a store that has them, if they're even made anymore. Certainly I should get shoes that last longer than a couple months, but they always feel like crap in the store, so I'd rather get ones that will piss me off for a relatively short while. [I'm dumb this way.]
Sushi. Even though it's grocery store sushi, I end up almost always getting at least one box of it whenever I go to Giant. Yeah, it's about four or five times more expensive than our budget meals, and just as filling, but... SUSHI T_T
Relatedly, jam cookies [such as the Pepperidge Farm Verona ones], which I tend to get if I've been held over work too late and am feeling particularly grumpy.
Shredders are starting to get there. I finally got to Round 2 with the new over-the-trash-can model, and I realized that several of the blades are a half-millimeter or so apart... meaning it makes for a really good paper-creaser. I just spent a good half-hour hand-shredding [...with scissors] the half-assed bits the shredder itself didn't properly cut. Ugh. I'm not inclined to run out and get a whole new one just yet, but I'll have to at some point, if I don't want to spend more of my free time manually doing something that should have been done automatically by something specifically designed to save time >_<
I also dump money into cels, but this is much more sporadic, particularly since I still need to hit Pearl and get some more portfolios to store the ones I still haven't put away.
I'm heading out in a bit [to spend more money!!!1], because my London Fog coat is finally deteriorating in the worst possible way... that is, overall, it's still as good a coat as it was when I got it about ten years ago, but the zipper is tearing off, and it really doesn't stay closed anymore as a result. I'm not especially interested in trying to fix the zipper |:p so. Unfortunately, our store has moved on to summer wear X' and has nary a heavy coat in sight. I suppose I should be okay going into town this late as long as I don't have to do any left turns, though, which I can manage with careful planning.
Edit: Okay, I just went over the hill instead, to Kohl's. Gad, I had forgotten why I don't like department stores >_< I tried giving everything I saw a chance, but everything I saw screamed "OMFGNOWAI" in my mind's eye =p and even the more decent-looking stuff [coats aside] was either 1. covered in bling I didn't see until closer inspection or 2. waaaaay overpriced for the amount of material on it. Fuck.
The only truly "cool" coats/jackets are solid black with no trim. The only solid black ones I saw had faken fur and/or weird trim. I ended up getting this weird red thing with black and white trim because it was actually pretty comfy... and those colours remind me of Shadow 9_9