260.360: PA in MD

Sep 18, 2005 22:31

Nah, I'm awake enough to write up.

To sum up, after gas, $30 in registration fees, $10 for parking, $10 for dinner, and $8 for four sets of tolls because ashuraou lives on the wrong side of them, I have stuff--a $15 CTS poster, $15 PAX Expo DVD, and two $3.50 Usagi comics I happened to not have. [Charles went mostly to hang out.]

We stayed physically at the convention for about an hour or so--I said I wanted in and out, but Ash didn't believe me and spent the rest of the time making fun of how I didn't talk to them at all :/ which I didn't, because I simply didn't have anything prepared to say to them. I can't just on the fly spout, "Oh, I read your comic every day, even days you don't update, and it's really funny most of the time, and I can recite dialogue from it just like everyone else..." I'm too used to how, like at Anthrocon, I would flit from one person to another and not take up too much of anyone's time, regardless of how unoccupied that person might be.

It's not that I went "fan girl" on them--Tycho and Gabe were not the problem. The problem was Charles and Ash were still standing there looking at me after I secured smileys, and I felt weirded-out by that. It's like buying something from a cashier, then standing around after getting my receipt... I feel strange doing that. I did end up stammering, though, trying to remember what it was I wanted to get from them, because my mind seems to regularly blank when I'm trying hardest to concentrate 9_9 which surely makes me look daft, but I don't figure they'll remember me to post on their site, "Oh, there was this daft chick who was embarrassed to be around us..." [I'm kidding, they're pretty polite. I don't think they've ever insulted a fan on their page--only daft celebrities and assorted others who draft their spite.]

Actually, I did half-expect my Ikaruga shirt to be a conversation piece, but I don't think anyone besides friends have ever recognized it to say, "OH SNAPS IKARUGA SHIRT AWESUMS LOLLERSKATES" :/ Also, I will blank out even when ordering food at a restaurant, or making a similar kind of order.

To reflect on the experience, it's more of an indicator of how much I truly dislike fame that I find it at all a hurdle when dealing with someone. I'm relatively okay with dealing with someone and I have no expectations of what they should be like, or no concern with making a good impression. I don't do so well with meeting someone "famous" or with distant relatives, for some reason. I guess I don't feel as though I should be talking with them, somehow, like they belong to this fantasy world that's not part of this world, and it's unbelievable when it happens, like, "Wow, you DO exist!"

That's what comes from living in cartoons so much of the time, eh? :p Of course, it does still feel like it never happened, even with the evidence... ^^;

Technical issues: I had to scan in Gabe's smiley like fifteen times, because I'm getting this consistent yellow streak down the center of a colour scan now. It's prolly a permanent problem, but it's one I can work around, even if it's annoying to do so. I don't really want to buy a new one [again] so soon, anyway, not if I have brakes I theoretically should replace 9_9

zomgomg, guh??, moneycrap, media, philosophy

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