260: outlived

Sep 18, 2005 10:27

At 27 years and approximately 44 days old, Kurt Cobain blew his head away. It's eerie to think I have now outlived him, in terms of my own age.

Of course, I again count my blessings, as the worst I have to show for myself at this point in my life is a middling job [which is not itself shameful except to those who mistakenly measure worth in terms of monetary status] and that Stinky is now back at work and, once again, mad that I don't talk to him. In fact, he was madder yet that he was gone for so long and I didn't say anything when I saw him again, to which I replied that everyone's been in and out and I don't pay attention to who's gone for how long, and he complained that I didn't remember him, and I said by that point, NO, I DIDN'T.

Note, when I don't see someone until s/he asks a question to my back, I'm not going to say hello. I also don't subsequently say hello when the other person initiates the conversation without saying hello him/herself. I'm not going to stand there and talk for half an hour when I'm in the middle of something or when I'm on my way somewhere. If you hassle me into talking about nothing, I'm just going to get angry with you.

If I'm being rude, attribute it to my being Japanese [in blood and social temperament, if not actual culture], as I don't really believe in using five hundred words to say what I can say in two. Furthermore, I abhor talking to people when I don't feel a 'click'--even with Smokey, we at least have a shared idea of sense of order and work ethic, and Chris and I have a somewhat shared "culture" base for discussion [as questionable of a 'click' that is], but with Stinky there's nothing. It's not that I won't try to be civil, as I am with everyone else at work I don't click with--I just don't like being ordered to socialize by someone I don't like. Nobody else demands I stand there and talk when I'm working on something... well, that's not true, some of the others hassle me about not saying hello, but they don't persist for half an hour when I don't X/

I know I could change myself and alleviate the situation, particularly since that's company policy anyway ["Fast, Fun, and Friendly" crap], but the spite won't let me. It's not fun to be bossed into being fun OR friendly. I go to work to WORK and do a good job, so the store can earn lots of money to pay me [AND my co-workers], not to stand and talk/complain and do a half-assed job when I do get around to working.

It's amazing what can drive a person to aim a gun... ¬_¬ ...no, I wouldn't, at myself or anyone else, because they still scare the shit out of me, even when triply-checked to be unloaded. :p

I'd meant to get more sleep than I will at the rate I'm going X/ ...nnngh, these smileys had better be worth it :)

workcrap, hat, philosophy

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