Useless and Unimportant Complaining

Jul 02, 2009 23:13

Since Facebook has a new layout like every week, I can't seem to figure out how to unfriend people. I really, really regret my decision to befriend Charlie. I only befriended him as half-assed revenge him during a panic attack caused by Wyatt meeting up with that fail-whore. But now he's always in my newsfeed and honestly, I not only don't give a shit, but I don't want to know anything about his life. I'm uninterested and completely different from the way I was when I was friends with him, and I realize he is the kind of person that would annoy the shit out of me. And now I can't figure out how to unfriend the bastard, and his smiling, pale, little face keeps jumping up in my newsfeed.

Today my mom used a form of the word "fuck" and it was very weird. I heard yelling and her saying "Why are you mad at me?" and I figured she was fighting with Jesse, but it turns out my dad came in and yelled at her to go pick berries and makes Jesse and I help her, and he made her go do it before she could finish her dinner. When I came up to help pick the fucking berries that are soooooo important that they had to be picked that very second, she said "Your father is having a fucking freak out" and I didn't know how to respond. My mom curses, but never the f-bomb. So then we picked berries for my dad, in the rain. And I got three mosquito bites, which I taped pennies over because I heard it helped them, and shockingly, having three cents taped to my legs is a pretty good way to make the itching stop.
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