Apr 18, 2007 21:30
So, I make lists. I make these lists in the morning before classes right when I wake up. Sometimes I make lists that are a few days in advance. On each list there is a set of things that MUST get accomplished by that day. These things can't wait because the next day will be full of more things. With each of these things I set time frames. Each thing cannot exceed its time frame otherwise everything else gets pushed off in terms of time. But when one thing holds a higher priority over another it simply can't get pushed off and then the first thing doesn't get accomplished. I can't have things not get accomplished because they were on the list for a reason...so usually it just results in sleep deprivation.
I have been up since 5:30...and I am incredible tired having only slept an hour and a half.
What would the world be like without lists? I imagine it would be slower and less profitable...but seriously what if life was soo relaxing that I didn't need to get up and make lists?
I believe I need summer...like now.
P.S>I got to experience the first rejection of my life...usually people define it as being rejected by a boy or girl or college or a team...No I got rejected by a fucking internship I really wanted...Out of the 300 applications...I didn't fall into one of the six spots. It makes me wonder why I make lists...why do I maximize every minute? Do I maximize every minute just to feel a sense of accomplishment in hope that it will please others viewing a resume. If that's it...then what the hell is the point...that isn't living.