*** Chatsession Start : ignatus - 4/14/2006 4:08:56 PM
[4:08:56 PM] ignatus: viva Klaus Nomi
[4:21:12 PM] *** Disconnected
Easter candy is the work of the devil. Obviously.
Mo brought over Guitar Hero on Saturday. Now I want to buy it, too, but unfortunately I'm waaaaay short on funds. That BLOWS.
Annnnd, beat KH2 on Proud. (
Some spoilery talk. )
But I'm only basing this on a short "screencap movie" from KH featuring two familiar winged characters.
But yeah, considering that Riku looks more and more like Sephiroth as he gets older...
But Sora... is a lot stronger, in many ways, than Cloud...
It'd be a lovely parallel ^.~(Plus there are some things you can't do to cute characters cough cough >.>)
"Stronger"? That's good (true to a point I admit) but it's just funny he sucumbed to the darkness while Cloud is still fighting on what he really wants (Do it Cloud! Doooo it! Sephiroth wants you to! Adn ther are a lot of things you can get away with in the dark...)
But even still... It seems more like, Sora probably chose to go to the darkness willingly, while Cloud is pretty much a puppet, remember?
Even Hades was saying that Sora isn't as easy to control as Cloud is. *nod nod* Sora's stronger mentally, and more stable (surprisingly >.>)
Yes, but Cloud doesn't know if he wants to be in the darkness and that weakness is why Hades can manipulate him. What I'd like to know, though, is why it's such a difficult choice. I'm not just saying that as a Sephiroth/Cloud shipper either...this could go either way. I mean, come on Cloud! I thought you were sure about being a "good guy"! Why the hesitation? Is it because of some sort of guilt? (Probably ~.~) Or maybe this is more ammo for the S/C fandom? XD
Come to think of it...if he actually did go into the darkness, what would he and Sephiroth do? XD (Seriously) Play checkers? >XD Hang out?
I'm sure Sephiroth would be all like "well, that was easy".
The chase and suspense wouldn't be there. The pairing would lose it's shippers and well... then it would be the end of the world. Because without Sephiroth/Cloud fangirls around EVERYWHERE, where would we be?
I know I like them simply for the chase. I like watching it. And I know that their relationship is unhealthy, and if they ever actually got together or something... I would lose interest.
Could be why I don't read many fanfics with them. Cloud is the Final Fantasy whipping boy. He is allowed no happiness! ^^;;;
Speaking of which, I once heard a theory (before I got into FFVII or even Seph/Cloud stuff mind you) that Sora was Aeris and Cloud's kid...but then (looking at the generation thing) would that make the silver-haired Riku...?
But then, there's been proof given that Sephrioth has no need to reproduce :glances at a certain group of three: to get another generation of silver-haired men. ~.~;
I only played a bit of KH myself...but they never really did go into their backgrounds huh? Was Sora and/or Riku orphans? (Kairi too?)
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