*** Chatsession Start : ignatus - 4/14/2006 4:08:56 PM
[4:08:56 PM] ignatus: viva Klaus Nomi
[4:21:12 PM] *** Disconnected
Easter candy is the work of the devil. Obviously.
Mo brought over Guitar Hero on Saturday. Now I want to buy it, too, but unfortunately I'm waaaaay short on funds. That BLOWS.
Annnnd, beat KH2 on Proud.
Level: 60
Game LV: Proud Mode
Completion of Jiminy's Journal: 89%
Completion of Gummi Routes: 86%
Healed Party Members: 135 Times
Saved by Mickey: 3 Times
Most used Form: Valor Form 44 Times
Used AntiForm: 13 Times
Most used Summon: Genie 3 Times
All the times I needed Mickey happened in Beast's Castle. First two times was during the fight with the door thing (I shouldn't have gone there first), and then during the fight with Xaldin. DX
The secret ending definitely looked amazing, but... eh.
I didn't do everything yet. But I've been playing the Gummi routes obsessively, and now that's probably up to 98%. I'm seriously loving the Gummi thing now. I got all the special ships, and DUDE. The Fenrir model? HAS GUMMI!CLOUD ON IT. Good stuff, good stuff.
...by the way, do I even get a special ANYTHING by completing the Gummi routes to 100%, or is it just there for me to waste away hours on end, blowing shit up?
God, every time I watch the ending, I squee. I love the thing so much. It's gorgeous, and it's so touching. As long as everyone's safe on the other side, Riku and Sora wouldn't mind being together in darkness Riku is totally in love with Sora, it's so obvious. I must be turning into such a sap, because seeing Sora's tears when he finds Riku again still brought tears to my eyes. God, it's... their whole friendship is the sweetest thing in the world. That's what I love about this game -- for all its dark moments, the underlying theme of love, loyalty and strong bonds of friendship is gorgeous and so NICE to see. Sora isn't adventuring in the name of revenge, he's doing it because he genuinely CARES. It's awesome. Sora is this little mass of adorable, squishy selfless love. I want to keep him as a pet.
I WILL COMMENT MORE ABOUT KH2 LATER. Because I want to. I really, really want to. The Riku/Sora 'shipper in me is still dying of joy.
Now I'm playing through Chain of Memories again since I uploaded it for
lulu_nobody, who promises that it's for trial purposes only, RIGHT?... but for some reason I decided to be a bit masochistic by playing it on the computer instead of the GBA this time. But by doing this I can take screencaps, and that's always fun... except the stupid program overwrote the Axel/Sora bit, argh.
"VR Variety Mission" from MGS2: Substance. No, I honestly don't know why I like it so much. I just do. Shut up.