*** Chatsession Start : ignatus - 4/14/2006 4:08:56 PM
[4:08:56 PM] ignatus: viva Klaus Nomi
[4:21:12 PM] *** Disconnected
Easter candy is the work of the devil. Obviously.
Mo brought over Guitar Hero on Saturday. Now I want to buy it, too, but unfortunately I'm waaaaay short on funds. That BLOWS.
Annnnd, beat KH2 on Proud. (
Some spoilery talk. )
The ending... was by far one of the greatest endings ever. I could just watch it over... and over... and over again. It is definitely very sweet, and that's a lot coming from me, since I kind of don't feel much anymore. Because I was so not expecting Riku to ask Sora if they could fuck/cuddle/kiss/fondle/etc., on the beach when he said "Hey, Sora..."
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