3608: Congratulations, I Hate You

Sep 04, 2010 01:30

So, the temp agency sneak-attacked me today with a goodie bag congratulating me for getting a permanent position. It was rather weird because I still have that awkward impression from PHB [who HR tells me is not, in fact, anyone's boss--pointy hair or no--but the name's stuck at this point] that they did not genuinely care about my getting the post or not; that is, PHB approved me to start on the position and AT THE END OF THE DAY BEFORE I WAS TO START they sent another resumé to PHB and suggested would this person be better for the post DX [Really?!]

Anyway, goodie bag contents:
- t-shirt w/ agency logo
- insulated lunch bag w/ agency logo
- mug w/ agency logo
- pen w/ agency logo
- sticky notes w/ agency logo
- collapsing clock/calculator w/ agency logo
- sliding puzzle[?!?!?!] w/ agency logo
- something else I'm prolly forgetting w/ agency logo
- card [actually handwritten this time instead of photocopied in despite personalization! *thumbs up*]

I loved these items and appreciated them from the bottom of my heart so much that I left them on my desk at work. [To be fair, I also forgot my employee handbook and insurance forms in a packet underneath the goodie bag. It was just that kind of a day. [Thank you, so-called Intelligent Design, for this intelligent punch in the face every month.]]

...I should add some levity to this post.

So this new dad drops by, after missing the big company-wide meeting on account of his daughter being born, and he's positively GUSHING. He said,If I never get another thing for myself for the rest of my life, it'll be okay. Everything is about her now. She's going to make me into a better person. I want a scratch-and-sniff of how she smells to carry around with me.

The last part kind of throws it off, but the sentiment is aww!-inducing =3 even for a kid-hater like me.* So all the women-folk were gushing over his gushing, AND that he's totally hot[?] as well... hmm. [I didn't quite look, I can't tell you for certain about the hot part.]

*To be fair, I don't hate kids--I just fear my influence on one completely dependent on me. Also, I can't stand the idea of reliving that particular period of incontinence. It's not about the never having another thing for myself so much as the why would anyone want ME for a mother.

Also beat SPTG, maybe you read that. So yay. I can has BGN nows?

forgetty, babies, games, whatapain, =3, adebuh?, workcrap, spitey

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