Meme and virtual stocking idea

Nov 22, 2009 23:26

Eight ships you like:
01 Jess/Rory (Gilmore Girls)
02 Peter/Simone (Heroes)
03 Charlie/Claire (Lost)
04 Boomer/Chief (BSG)
05 Athena/Helo (BSG)
06 Charlie/Toby (Listener - imo they are heavily implied in the show. But I can't think of anymore so I'll just put them in here even though they aren't canon....yet)
07 Luke/Lorelai (Gilmore Girls)
08 Logan/Veronica (Veronica Mars)

Four ships you're curious about:
(Yeah, these are ships I like but haven't really happened...yet! Then again, some can't happen now -_-)
09 Peter/Emma (Heroes)
10 Peter/Tracy (Heroes)
11 Peter/Niki (Heroes)
12 Charlie/Ana (Lost)

Two ships you never liked:
13 Sawyer/Kate (lost)
14 Mohinder/Maya (Heroes)

Why do you dislike #14 so much? [Mohinder/Maya]
Well, mostly because I dislike Maya. But seriously, they're not even a real ship! Mohinder got powers, then jumped in to bed with her. WTF? I just never saw any appeal. I much preferred what he had with Eden. Mohinder/Maya was just random and silly. Hardly lasted anyway!

Who is someone you know that ships #9? [Peter/Emma]
Lots of people now! peter_emmagot many members! xD Yay! :D

What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? [Charlie/Claire]
Charlie came back from the hatch ALIVE, they get rescued, married, have a big family and live happily ever after!


What interests you about #10? [Peter/Tracy]
Y'know, this has gotta come from my Peter/Niki love but these two definitely interest me. I'm always a little annoyed that Nathan has 'em first, LOL, but I quite liked their scenes in Fugitives. I guess I kinda like their bad girl/good boy thing (kinda like Pelle? :D But I like Peter/Tracy more).

Which is your favorite moment for couple #1? [Jess/Rory]
"You looked it up." :) Actually, my mind's gone kinda blank! They have many amazing scenes, both angsty and cute. Their first kiss was gorgeous. And their picnic on the bridge! But yeah, think I'd have trouble narrowing it down.

How long have you been following couple #6? [Charlie/Toby]
Gosh, not long. I only discovered The Listener recently but these two are so lovely. He told her about his mind-reading ability before his girlfriend, she took a bullet for him, come on! They are really adorable but also totally hardcore when they want to be xD I think they have such chemistry. But yeah, this was about how long I've liked them...I've always kinda liked them but I think it was the episode One Way or Another that made me love them even more. They really connected emotionally and he saved her life and then there was that lovely hug at the end ^_^ This show is back for a second season btw! YAY!

What's the story with #8? Why did you start shipping them? [Logan/Veronica]
Well, I always kinda enjoy the love/hate thing. I think I missed a few episodes before the first kiss but I saw how protective Logan was being of Veronica, which made me like him even more. Then there was that unexpected first kiss! I wasn't too sure about them at first, I think, but as they evolved as a couple and as individuals I began to love them both! They're so cute and have pretty much the same humour and I remember I was so disappointed to find out she was dating Duncan again at the beginning of S2 xD They will always love each other, I know it :D

You have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from #13 or #14: [Mohinder/Maya or Sawyer/Kate]
Oh, Mohinder/Maya for sure. Their relationship was so pointless whereas Lost is built almost entirely of the Sawyer/Kate relationship. That and Jate. I just can't imagine Lost without Skate or Jate.

Which ship do you prefer #2 or #4? [Boomer/Chief or Peter/Simone]
Awwww. Okay. I choose Boomer/Chief but only because there was much more of them than Peter/Simone. They both started out so cute and lovely with tragic endings *sigh*

What interests you about #11? [Peter/Niki]
I've tried to explain this before. At first it was just the WTH appeal of Future!Peter and Future!Niki. I think that just surprised me but their scenes were so awesome. Their future selves were really angsty and hot (and kinda sweet, too!). I guess that's what got me shipping their present selves too. I think their relationship would be different but I'd still like them. They're both kind and 'good' and they'd make a pretty sweet couple.

Why do you like #7? [Luke/Lorelai]
ale_skyzI thought it was pretty obvious these two would get together. I think they have great chemistry. Their interactions are always witty and humorous and even though he acts like she bugs him like Hell, he loves it really! xD It's pretty funny how he is the feeder of her coffee habit. It was meant to be! But yeah whenever it didn't work out, it really upset me. I just remember really wanting them to get together and then being so happy when they finally did! :D They are not my favourite couple out of all of them, but I definitely shipped them. Who wouldn't?

What’s a song that reminds you of #5? [Athena/Helo]
No, can't think of one right now. I'm sure there's one out there somewhere.

Have #2 kissed? [Peter/Simone]
Ohh yes, their first was pretty epic. imo ;)in the rain! =D

Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? [Chief/Boomer]
GOD no! They had a pretty shitty ending. Terrible, terrible! *cries at the thought*

What would make you start shipping #13? [Sawyer/Kate]
I admit, there are some times where I think they're a pretty great couple and they're well suited but at this point I think I'm too sick of them to ship them! I don't really hate them. I appreciate that people ship them and I can see why. I just...don't.

If only one could happen, which would you prefer, #2 or #6? [Toby/Charlie or Peter/Simone]
Toby/Charlie are still kinda new and I think I'd be fine with them just being friends. I'd love for them to get together but they make great friends too. So I'm gonna say Peter/Simone. I know they had a crap ending too but they were so sweet and it was one of those relationships that also characterise the main character. I think Simone was very important to Peter's storyline.

You have the power to decide the fate of #4. What happens to them? [Chief/Boomer]
Before their horrible ending - Boomer comes back with Ellen, makes up for her mistakes and is forgiven so then she and Chief could've lived happily on New Earth. Woah, how unlikely is all that?!
After their horrible "ending" - I'm already writing this. Boomer is dead, Galen lives on his own, isolated. The Chief forgives Boomer (probably after a long time) and invites him in to the Dream House where they can live together forever!

Which of these ships do you love the most?
Damn you, question. Damn you. I think Charlie and Claire were my most stable and loveliest couple (and they had their arguments!) but you know, they always made up despite everything and I have no doubt they would have ended up together if things had worked out on the island and with all this stupid "fate" business.


I also have a fun Christmas idea if anyone's interested. It's separate from the Wishlist thing(although they could be put together somehow), which I think I am also going to do (hehe) but I thought it would be really lovely and fun to do like a "Virtual Stocking" sort of thing. I'm not entriely sure how it would work but basically, instead of just one big present, we'd make each other all sorts of little gifts like mini vidlettes, icons, banners, wall papers/headers and other arty stuff, fanfics, music, TV shows/films, random little pics and vids you think they might like, basically anything!! You'd shove them all in one folder, zip it up and upload it :D:D Ideally, this would be for people on your flist who know you well, so they'd know what you'd like. I suggest just making a post (I'll have to think of a write up I guess) and then people can reply to say if they want to participate. Then they can make you a virtual stocking and you can make them one too.

I'm not sure if that sounds like a completely dumb idea or if people would be interested but that's why I'm asking :D So, anyone like that idea? Got a better way of doing it? Just let me know. Like I said, it's just an idea for now ;)

christmas, fandom meme, meme, presents

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