Title: Frozen Moments Author: Jemisard Fandom: Heroes Rating: NC-17 Characters: Adam/Nathan Summary: It started with dragging him from a frozen lake. It ended that night saying thank you. Warnings: Liberty taken with the timeline. Underaged (just), explicit sex.
Title: Better Here Author: Jemisard Rating: PG Pairing: None Summary: Peter had been landing on his own feet for a while, but sometimes it hurts less to get caught by someone else. Follows Security. Warnings: Spoilers for up to 1x19 “.07%”.
Title: Security Author: Jemisard Fandom: Heroes Rating: G Pairing: None Summary: One day, Nathan had to stop being Peter’s soft place to land. And if Peter wasn’t ready, neither was Nathan. Warnings: Horribly gen. NO SPOILERS