Title: Moment’s Thought Author: Jemisard Rating: R Pairing: Matt/Mohinder Summary: Matt was just angry and just thought it. Mohinder wasn’t meant to listen. Warnings: Mild spoilers for Matt’s powers. Mild AU (fit in where there shouldn’t be time). Dub-con.
Title: The Unsaid Author: Jemisard Fandom: Heroes Rating: PG-15 Characters: Matt, Mohinder Summary: Nights are never silent for Matt. Warnings: 1x23 and 2x01 spoilers. Some adult themes.
Title: Silence Author: Jemisard Fandom: Heroes Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Matt/Mohinder Summary: All they really share is a little girl and these moments. Warnings: Spoilers for after 1x23. Not actually based on S2 though.