Oct 31, 2010 11:44
I went dressed as a lady pirate captain! Basically I smushed my three Halloween costume ideas (gypsy, pirate, and Willie Wonka) into one costume, and it was mostly pirate with a little bit of gypsy. Most colorful pirate ever, too.
I had fun. There were people there I didn't know, and people I did. We tried to do ouiji board, but it doesn't work so well in a group of skeptical atheists. There was a dance contest and some seriously alcoholic punch. And SO MUCH TASTY FOOD. I stuffed myself to the rafters on ribs and bacony potato salad and cupcakes and cheese dip on crackers and veggies with spinach dip and EVERYTHING WAS DELICIOUS. Especially the potato salad. Proof that anything can be delicious with bacon in it.
And now to homework my homeworky butt off, because I've got a shitton of stuff due tomorrow, including TWO ecology data analysis pieces o bullshit, which will probably take half the night. I wonder if there's someone I can call who knows how to do that crap better. Maybe I'll just snoop around the library until I find someone in the same predicament. Though they might not be the best people to ask for help.
Ah well. We'll see how it goes. I'm still in Portland anyway and all the data is on my laptop, in Forest Grove. We'll see when I get there.
Me n Mum are gonna tackle the plus application together once she wakes up. And also I'm gonna go sell some books at Powell's I think. Money money money by the pound.
PS: I don't actually think I'm getting a cold, but nose definitely isn't altogether content right now. I've been sneezing and... dripping... a lot lately.
>.< Ew.
in other news,